Friday, September 14, 2012

Bloggers Trip to MACAU - Post Trip Entry

出发前的几天,我很兴奋,迫不及待想和bloggers在澳门的惊喜之旅。就在出发的前一天,我得知了一个噩耗,心情顿时沉入了谷底。好友们怕我想不开,不惜牺牲睡眠,在我出发前漏液开解我。感激上天让我认识这群不管在何时何地都不会遗弃我的好朋友们。After our HTHT, I went home with a pair of panda eyes and tried to sleep so that I can b on time for the morning flight.

In the morning, when I put on my MGTO polo tee before setting of to airport, I know I have to be professional. Life goes on, work to be done, I must not let my mood affect my work. I'm very proud of myself as I maintained my professionalism throughout the trip. I didn't allow my mood to spoil the atmosphere during the trip. I kept to my usual happy and cheery self. Energetic and active as usual, I'm glad that I made it till the end of the trip. :)

While I sort out the photos, shall have some sneak preview of the bloggers and some activities that we did:

All about Macau Walkabout Race..

They broke my record with the most number of egg tarts bought within 1 trip! :D

Enjoy the 24th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest 

CHECK OUT the interesting blog entries by the famed bloggers on My MACAU Experience 2012. :)

PS: to support my effort to revive my blog, i decided to change the blog layout which has been with my blog for ages. :) I still prefer my blog layout to be simple and straightforward, just like my character. simple, straightforward and precise, pls do not beat around the bush when talking to me as i will get irritated and run out of patience. i prefer things to be simple and easy to be understood by all. :)


yiwei said...

didn't know sth happened to you before the trip, Iris.. :(

though don't know what it is, *pat pat*

And yes, you have absolutely maintained ur professionalism! Hope we did make you feel bit better somehow :D

sandyris said...

Thanks, Yiwei for your comment. :) I'm getting better.

Yes, you guys made me feel much better with all the laughters, jokes and fun. Happy that it was a trip with all fun-loving people. :)