juz had a short gathering with my poly frens and my lecturer from NP. she is our mentor for poly yr 2. we had always been on good terms with her as she is someone who is always concern abt her students and worth our respect!
we took some photos and before we go, she said something that was quite shocking for me. i nv expect tat from her. though i dunno if she said it becos i am her student or is for real. no matter wat, i am still very touched by her words and really wana maintain tat. yeahz!
she said my lecturers from NP find tat though i do not have a perfect outlook, i am never afraid to show myself to pple. always true in wat i do and not inferior in any ways. not like those pple who will hide themselves juz becos they dun look good. i was so SHOCKED to hear tat. cos i nv tot tat the lecturers tot of me in tis way. heehehe.. kinda flattered and happy to hear tat no matter if it is for real, or consoling or watever..
i always believe tat as long as i am sincere and true to pple and watever i do, pple will accept me. no matter how i look, i believe sincerity and truth is more impt. i may not have a perfect outlook but i wanna have a perfect way when come to dealing with pple and tings. i oso believe a smile on my face can bring on more sincerity and warmth. my youngest aunt once told me before tat: a person may not have a good outlook tat make him/her look outstanding. however if he/she has a good and smart mind with true heart, he/she can win pple over. i always aim to be such a person. of cos i would not say outlook is not impt. if i can have a better outlook, of cos i wan lah! (haha.. i am a girl afterall, ai mei lah..) however, if i cannot change it now, i shall juz accept it and juz try to make up for it in watever way i can. i may not be a pretty girl but i will be a true and sincere person.
juz like my aunt. she is a short lady who is not at all outstanding in her outlooks. but she definitely has a good brain, witty lady who tink fast and act fast. i always look upon her as my example. i aim to be like her or even better than her in watever i do esp when i go work in future. i tink tat she is juz so perfect when it come to using brain. she nv fail to try out new stuff and will always go for watever she tink is rite. she will argue her way out (something i still haven't master leh...). whenever i wanna try a new ting, she will be the one who will support me and ask me to go for it as long as i am comfortable. juz like when i say i wanna go for overseas community trip, she sponsor me the $$$ to go for it. when i say i wanna go overseas for studies, she is the only one who supported me. my grandma and father's tinking is tat even there is $$$, my brother will go 1st & me muz wait if any extra $$$ for me. but my aunt din tink tat way. she ask me to juz go for it and she will help me. true enough, slowly my family accept the idea and supported me. all thanks to my aunt, if not for her support initially, i probably gave up. (PS: auntie cindy, u may not see tis.. but still i wanna say "thank u" for helping me all these while and taking care of me since young. i am so grateful to u and i appreciate watever u did for me.)
watever it is, now i juz wanna be a happier person and fulfil my dream to study overseas. my top priority is to bring back good results to show to my family tat my choice is rite and tat i dun wan disappoint anyone who supported me. i believe i can! yeahz! i have the faith and confidence!
*22 more days to the BIG day!
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