last weekend, it was rather happening and interesting. a fruitful weekend with lots of catching up with friends. 1stly on Sat, i went for the Safari Zoo Run with the girls. it was a 6.2km run around the Zoo and Night Safari. the run was flagged off at abt 4pm, a rather good timing. hahaha.. not much sun, cooling weather. as it was still early for the animals at Night Safari, we did not manage to see any interesting animals at Night Safari. When we were in the Zoo, we were greeted by different animals. our pace were slowed down as well as we would like to make full use of the opportunity to take a good look @ the animals. anyway, it had been donkey years since i last visited the Zoo, hence it was a good opportunity to re-visit the Zoo. & as quoted by Stella: "since we paid $38 for the run, we muz make full use of the money to enjoy the Zoo." haha... definitely! we took our own sweet time to look at the various animals such as Otters, Elephants, Polar Bears, Zebras, Giraffes, the "infamous" White Tigers and Orang Utans. our conclusion was tat Polar Bears had the best treatment. with a whole area to themselves as their playground and swimming pool as well as a private bedroom! hahaha...

after the run, we were taking a rest while waiting for the lucky draw which we were not tat lucky to win anything. Oh well, though we went home empty handed, i guess all of us had fun afterall.

Chimpanzee in action... this chimp looked like it was doing the guard duty as it was sitting far at the corner, away from the main group of chimp.

lazy pigs sleeping under broad daylight. and their sleeping position looked really funny. back to back...

the White Tiger territory...
we saw 2 white tigers. one was resting quietly at a corner while the other white tiger was super "AA" la... trying to attract everyone's attention by cat-walking up and down..
as for Sun, i met up with my Spice buddies for a gathering. it was supposed to be a combined bday celebration for Lian, Jun and myself. for me and Lian, it shld be super belated bday celebration. haha.. this gathering was organised abt 1 mth ago and after much changes and cancellation, finally we managed to meet up properly for a simple yet entertaining dinner @ the famous Melben Seafood! it was a long wait for the food to be served as the restuarant was full house. while waiting, we had our usual chit chatting sessions abt anything and everything under the sun. with Jun around, how could we miss out on the old jokes which always make us laugh whenever mention. together with Chee Wei and Ziqi, the atmosphere was even better as Jun had someone to sing along with. & usually one of us (Lian, myself, Lin or Jas) would be one of the target for the night. heehee... for the very night, i guess Jas became the most prominent center of attraction as she brought someone special along. well well, no matter wat was being said or commented abt, everything was juz for fun and laughter. nutting would be taken personally. i do look forward to the next gathering and if possible, i hope tat Lian will bring her special someone along. Lian, dun worry... i am pretty sure tat Jun will give the similar kind of frenly greetings to him. hahaha.. get ready for it, yeah~!

Melben Seafood is famous for the crab dishes and we ordered 2 different ones. Crab Beehoon Soup and Butter Crab (as shown here). this butter crab was simply delicious, esp with the fried "man-tou"... woohoo~!!!

photos taken before the actual feast starts...
& as Jas & her bf were late, we did not take any pic of them. & we oso miss out on our group photo!!!! hahaha... we muz be too hungry to tink abt tat ah...
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