Tuesday, December 30, 2008
the incomplete blog entries...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
post Xmas Celebration with Spice Buddies
anyway, tis post xmas celebration had been planned abt 1 mth ago. i am glad tat all of us were able to attend. it had been quite a while since i last went out with the Spice Buddies & i had been missing out in the xmas celebration with my spice buddies for the past 2 years. tis xmas celebration is actually quite special and memorable for me. i really look forward to tis celebration gathering cum xmas gift exchange. & i muz really say tat we all had made great effort in choosing presents for one another. all along our gift exchange had been pre-arranged as in we had a specific target to buy the xmas pressie for. so in this way, the xmas pressie will be personalised for the particular person. tis yr, all of us really made an effort in personalising the pressie. great job, buddies~!!!
i not only had a good dinner, but also had a good laugh on all the jokes we talked abt over dinner. we can simply joke and laugh on anything and everything under the sun. jokes tat had been cracked years ago could still be in topic during every gathering. happenings tat had occured years ago can also be talked abt whenever we meet up. haha... i guess we will nv get sianz in talking abt all these history & it seems tat this kind of memories recall once in a while is rather useful and heart warming. in general, xmas is a season of blessings, joy, laughter and warmth. i am glad tat i have all these with me for tis xmas with my wonderful spice buddies around. :D
Thursday, December 25, 2008
~Merry Christmas~
last yr i spent my Xmas in Australia. it was a simple celebration at home with Phil and Felicia with our home cooked food. this yr, i spent my Xmas eve and countdown @ Reagan's house. BBQ session cum Fondue indulgence. thanks to Reagan for being a good host in hosting all of us together with the workers from his company. there were lots of fun, laughter and enjoyment, especially when we were on the game of "Werewolf". it was my 2nd time playing this game. previously, my sis-in-law gave me the game as a pressie when i went to Australia for studies. & there was once when there were quite a number of friends gathered @ my house in Australia, so i took out the game and tat was my 1st time playing the game. it was quite fun as there were lots of argument going around. as for my 2nd time playing this game, it was a total different encounter. my brother and his frens had been playing this game for quite a long while, so they are considered as "old birds" in this game. last nite, during the game, they introduced many different characters so i got a bit confusing but it was really funny. so much argument going around. i am kinda addicted to the game as it was like a mind game. it is like a test to see how good one can act and deceive pple as well as a chance to train one in their observation skills. hahaha... 2/4 pple, maybe we can try to play the game during our CNY gathering @ Miss Lock's house. i tink it shld quite fun with so many of us. hahaha...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
~Christmas gathering with 2/4 gals~
yesterday i had a simple yet heart warming xmas celebration with the 2/4 gals. it was a celebration filled with laughter, fun and enjoyment. haha... of cos, not forgetting our usual practice of taking photos.. lots of photos with so many cameras! hahaha... there were 10 of us and it was a pretty good attendance. :) Yiling had to leave early to get back to work so she was not the group photo. poor girl had to get back to the hospital to standby for calls.
9 of us taking a group photo after the gift exchange.
basically the agenda for the nite was dinner @ Waraku @ the Hereen. as pple were late (i was one of the late comer, paiseh sia) so our dinner only started at abt 730pm. although we reserve a table for 10, our attendance during dinner was not FULL. haha.. kinda paiseh to hold up so many seats. there was a grp of pple nearby to us who shld be celebrating Xmas as well. they had such a large grp of pple and they had to occupy 2 rows of tables to accommodate all of them. as compared, our "zhen rong" seems smaller. haha... but tat did not mean we will have less laughter. we still had great fun, cracking jokes abt everything and anything, especially when our food were served, we had a good laugh over the size of the bowls.
close-up comparison of the bowl size. really 小巫见大巫... haha...
within the mega bowl... chey~ tat much of food only..
morale of story: dun be deceived by the exterior look, thinking tat there will be a big portion within the mega bowl. haha... in fact, there were lots of inconvenience with such mega bowl. shuwei had a hard time scooping up the udon and i tink at the end of the meal, her hands shld be aching. haha.. Yiling suggested tat such mega bowls were used as prevention for spladdering of the sauce while pple are eating the udon. the height of the mega bowl is juz nice to cover up. hmm.. if tat is really the use, is acually quite useful la but still, the mega bowl is a bit too big la. whahaha...
i tink tis size of bowl looks much better. at least more "user friendly"
after dinner, we made our way to Peranakan for a drink, chill out and for the gift exchange. while waiting for Shiying and Meibin to arrive, we decided to start our photo taking session. whahaha... at tat very moment, ALL cameras appeared. there were like 5 cameras flashing here and there. instead of reacting to Yiling's request to chit chat, we were busy taking photos. hahaha... she got kinda pek chek. paiseh la, Yiling.. there are always other opportunities to meet up and catch up and we will definitely allocate time for chit chatting and photo taking for our next gathering, k? hee hee...
display of all the presents... different shapes, sizes...
after the challenging "guess who" game, finally we got our presents! woohoo~!!!
here's our presents... woooo...