so juz how old is tis Aunt of mine? well well... in 1958, a naughty and "impatient" baby girl was born at Blk 2 Kallang Airport Road. yep! she was so eager to see the world that she did not wait for her mum to go to the nearest hospital! therefore, the place of birth written on her birth cert was the home address. whahaha... in 2008, tis baby girl is already half a century old... wooo.. surrounded by her lovely nieces, nephews, grand niece and family members, she celebrated her 50th Birthday! Happy Birthday to Aunt Cindy!!!
The yummilicious bday cake from Polar Puffs & Cakes! (thanks to Sis Seow Wai!)
anyway, with this update, it set me thinking abt something. for the past 2 mths ever since i came back from Australia, i had been longing to stay at home during weekends. As long as I am able to, I try not to go out on Sat or Sun. I think the main reason for me wanting to stay at home is becos i really miss hanging out with my dearest family members. i missed out on so many of the family gathering during my studies in australia and i do not want to miss out on any of them now. i enjoy playing with my cousins and nieces and nephew and chit chatting with the rest of the family members. so weekends r often the most suitable time for all these activities. family is very impt to me. i treasure all of them very much thus i would like to spend as much time with them as possible. in order to recover the lost of family moments over the yrs, i guess i will just continue to stay at home over weekends as much as possible. hahaha...
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