Happy Mid Autumn Festival! woohoo~!!! my 1st mid autumn festival in Singapore after spending 3yrs of mid autumn festival in Aussie with the over-priced yet tasteless mooncakes and airmail paper lanterns from Singapore which i recycled for 2 consecutive years. haha...
usually when it is mid autumn festival period, relatives will bring boxes of mooncakes to my place and the table will always be flooded by boxes of mooncakes as of the scene i am looking at now. my granduncle bought a box of mooncakes which looks rather classy, guess it shld be from some hotel and my cousin bought a small box of the famous and expensive mooncakes from Goodwood Park Hotel. my uncle bought some snowy skin mooncakes and durian mooncakes which r being kept in the fridge. i can forsee tat i will have to live with these mooncakes for the rest of the week. haha... although we have alot of mooncakes at home, my family usually dun celebrate the festival. the only form of celebration i rem was to walk around the neighbourhood with the paper lanterns and tis was done by my bro and i when we were very young and still living in the old house.
as for myself, when i was still in sec sch, i rem tat i always go to Bishan Park with my 2/4 frens to celebrate. we would light up the whole background with candles. well, actually it was some kind of vandalism ah. haha... however, tis practice had stopped as we have all grown up. i do miss the mid autumn gathering with them. so tis yr, since i am back in spore, might as well i organise a mid autumn festival gathering. i tot of organising a gathering on a bigger scale with both guys and gals. however, it was not a success with many pple having other commitments. in the end, is juz a small scale gathering with 9 of us going to Ms Lock's house. much smaller number of pple than wat i wanna but i still had lots of fun and enjoyed myself very much. the amt of laughter, jokes and fun tat we had last nite were something i really appreciate and enjoy. hahaha... overall, it was a great gathering, no matter it was during the games session, mooncakes eating session or playing of lanterns.
some pics from the wonderful and enjoyable nite to share with all...

mooncakes which i bought from KL. flavours include: white lotus, white lotus with single yolk, coffee & white lotus, jade with custard...
Snowy Skin Mooncakes brought by Chee Wei.. flavours include: Banana, Strawberry and Pandan... nice...
Shuwei, Me, Chee Wei before we start to feast on the mooncakes...
Junwei, Poh Lian, Shupei with Ms Lock @ the back...
Jade & Jerald, Ms Lock's children...
while we were playing games, Jerald was our timekeeper with the hour glass... other than being the timekeeper, he was the entertainer for the day. with his hyperactiveness, he can't sit still for a moment. well... for us, we r trying to get use to it. but for Ms Lock, she is already immune to tat. hahaha... hmmm... he is juz a kid afterall so we can't really expect him to sit down and be quiet all the while...

Jasmin & Shuwei with Ms Lock's dog, Sheba...
heehee... here's another dog... in total we have 4 dogs in the house last nite. & tis lovely doggie belongs to Chien Yuan and it's name is Kiwi..
i love tis photo very much cos both Jade and Jerald have really cute looking expression. trying to act out the fierce look which Kiwi has when she is fighting with Chien Yuan's 2nd dog, Wicky. i tink the kids did a good job by showing the roaring expression..
time for lanterns!!!!

we were trying to reminisce the kiddy days in which we got all excited over the paper lanterns...
lanterns got burnt due to Huilin's greediness of hanging 2 lanterns onto one stick...
shuwei suggested to hang the lanterns in front of Ms Lock's house where the mini garden is. it looks kinda nice with the brightly lit up lanterns within the garden...

before we went off, group photo with Ms Lock and her kids...
the gathering ended with one more round of laughter as we went thru the game of 终极密码 to finish up the remaining pieces of mooncakes. haha... in the end, the ultimate winner is Shuwei who ate 4 pieces of mooncakes and out of which, 3 of them were the "prizes" for 3 consecutive "winning"! hahaha... i guess Shuwei will shun away from mooncakes for the rest of the week. cos for me, i certainly had enough of mooncakes for this yr's festival! haaha...
before i end tis entry, i need some enlightenment from Huilin. may i noe which part of the body is tis pic? hahaa... shld be the knees, rite? although it look like something else. hahaha...
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