On Sunday, the Lim's Family which is my family had an extremely SUCCESSFUL family gathering! is my 1st mega gathering with the family ever since i came back from Aussie. i really really love every moment spent with my family and i felt kinda sad for missing out quite a number of family gathering over the years when i was studying in Aussie. now that i am back for good, i noe i wun miss out on any of these family gatherings and in fact i will look forward to more to come in the future! yeahz~!!!
Sunday's gathering was specially arranged to celebrate my Grandma's 80th birthday! for those who saw my Grandma, never imagine that she is so old liao, rite? haha... as Grandma's health was not getting too well over the last few years, we thot of having some form of simple yet meaningful celebration for her bday to let her enjoy herself and have some fun. so few weeks before, my youngest aunt, Aunt Cindy and youngest uncle, Uncle Eric started to plan for the gathering. though it was a small scale family gathering, the planning was actually alot, esp when there were quite a number of pple involved. coordination of time and preferences will take a while to be arranged. at the same time, we would like take this great opportunity to take a proper family photo with everyone included and therefore Cousin Seow Wai suggested that we shld go to the photo studio for the photo taking. since the lunch will be at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant @ Serangoon Gardens, our choices of photo studio were limited to areas around or nearby to the restaurant. over the weeks, Uncle Eric drove around the areas to source for the perfect photo studio. as there are 22 of us in the family, there is a need to find a studio that can accommodate all of us. it was not an easy job at all as most of the studio around these areas r rather small. in the end, Uncle Eric managed to find a studio in Bishan area which is big enough to accommodate all of us. furthermore, the package offered for us was reasonable and the location of the studio is very accessible for all of us.
at abt 9.30am on Sunday, we gathered @ the studio to get ready for the photo taking. as my 2nd cousin, Cousin Seow Yin and her family was late (she lives the furthest away as compared to the rest of us & she has 2 young kids), we started off with taking photos for the individual families 1st. of cos my Grandma took some individual shots since she is the Birthday Girl. :D in fact most of us took several individual shots. hahaha... when my cousin and her family finally arrived, we quickly gathered in place for our GRAND family photo! woohoo~!!! by abt 11.30am, we were finally done with the photo taking & proceeded on for lunch @ Jumbo! & tat's the end of Part 1 event of the day which we took abt 270 photos in abt 2 hrs... woooo...
1st Row (L to R): Aunt Annie (2nd daughter), Aunt Cindy (5th daughter), Grandma, Aunt Yee Yong (3rd daughter)
2nd Row (L to R): Uncle Shyh Kong (4th son), Uncle Eric (youngest son), Aunt Pat (youngest daughter-in-law), Mummy (eldest daughter-in-law) and Dad (Eldest son)
Lim's Family 3rd Generation
1st Row (L to R): Wei Zhi, Wei Hui, Weiqi
2nd Row: Brother Wee Loon, Cousin Seow Wai, Wee San, Cousin Seow Yin
L to R: Lynnette (2 yrs old), Anthony (1 yr old), Joyce (3 yrs old)
Uncle Eric's family portrait with Grandma
Cousin Seow Wai's family portrait with Grandma
Cousin Seow Yin's family portrait with Grandma
L to R: Cousin Seow Wai (Mdm CHAN), Lynnette (Miss YAP), Grandma (Mdm CHOK), Aunt Annie (Mdm LIM)
young couple.. wedding dinner in abt 2 mths' time.. more pics to come then!
photographer commented that i am too stiff which i oso tot so ah.. heehee...
my 3 angels... no longer little as they grow up liao... but they r still my angels forever as they r the only younger brother and sisters i have...
my nephew, chubby Anthony and my eldest niece, pretty Joyce...
Up next, a series of photos taken for the 3 young kids. i tot it was pretty interesting as if it was staging a drama for little kids... whahaha... enjoy!
in the beginning:
refusing to give the little chicken to Anthony, Lynnette turned her back towards him.. haha..
Lynnette: Anthony! is all ur fault.. there goes my little chicken!
Anthony: dun like tis la, Cousin Lynnette... let's be friends la..
Anthony was rather grouchy when he 1st arrived @ the studio. refusing to smile and coorperate. however, after much urging, he was enjoying himself in front of the camera... heehee...
last photo of the day... Anthony's cheery and happy smile...
Candid Photos:
Part 2 of the gathering was lunch @ Jumbo. we booked 2 VIP rooms with KTV. food @ the restuarant was not too bad but i did not have the time to take photos of any of them ah. with the KTV function available, my task for the day was to operate the KTV and be the deejay for the day. my Dad, uncles and aunties had different song requests & i was the only one who knew how to operate the system smoothly. so bo bian ah, i had to be in charge of the remote control thru' out. hahaha... tiring job but very fun cos it had been a long while since i last heard my Dad, aunties and uncles sang. heehee...
Photos @ the restaurant:
1 comment:
nice photos ! Ur blouse is v nice btw. :)) gin
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