020208... nice number? hahaha... yep! yep! 2nd Feb 08 was my elder cousin, Cindy's wedding. it was a very busy day for her as well as for me. in the morning, i went over to help out as "jie mei". 2nd time being "jie mei". well, i dun mind waking up early in the morning ah as at the end of the day, we, "jie mei" will received ANG BAOs!!! hahaha... going here and there for tea ceremony, photo taking... finally the "day section" of the wedding ended at abt 2pm. time to head home to rest and get ready for the "evening section".
reached Orchard Parade Hotel at abt 6pm to get ready the area for the wedding dinner. had to stay put at the reception area to "ja-ga" the ANG BAOs collection box for the couple. well, i muz say Sporeans' usual pattern of being late for wedding dinner HAD became a tradition ah. the wedding invitation wrote 730pm as cocktail, 8pm as dinner. by the time we started the dinner, it was close to 845pm!!! aiyooooo..... luckily the FOOD was yummy and delicious, made all the waiting worth while... hahaha... so far is the best wedding dinner i ever eaten. portion oso juz rite. PERFECT!
photos taken on tat day...

the 3 little angels for the wedding.. 小花童。。

see how happy the little prince was.. smiling from ear to ear and holding the hands of the 2 little princesses, walking down the aisle...

here come the couple.. entering the ballroom in their creamy white wedding gown and suit...

pouring of champagne...

the nuptial drink... my cousin's evening gown received many positive compliments. hahaha.. her effort of exercising for months to stay in shape paid off afterall... BRAVO!!!

@ the wedding dinner... my relatives and the couple...
lastly, i hereby wish my cousin, Cindy & cousin-in-law, Andrew,
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