Monday, February 25, 2008
RASHES!!! itchy!!!
RASHES!!! itchy itchy scratch scratch!!
a sudden outbreak of rashes on my rite arm on Sat. din take note, keep on scratching. then it got worsen on Sun so went to pharmacy to get a cream for rashes and itchness. today it was my regular appointment @ skin care centre so shun bian let doctor take a look at my rashes. argh~!!! is so itchy and is so irritating!!! doctor gave me some cream to apply on the affected areas & i am HOME BOUND @ least for a week! doctor said tat it is better for me to stay indoor for the rest of the week which means i can't go out, esp under the sun to reduce the irritation. i wanna to get well ASAP as the itchness is killing me so i shall be a good girl to stay home for tis whole week!
as such, i dun think i will b able to go for the chalet gathering on Sat. Lin, so sorry!!! many of us oso cannot make it on tat day. do u guys tink we shld probably arrange another gathering?
a sudden outbreak of rashes on my rite arm on Sat. din take note, keep on scratching. then it got worsen on Sun so went to pharmacy to get a cream for rashes and itchness. today it was my regular appointment @ skin care centre so shun bian let doctor take a look at my rashes. argh~!!! is so itchy and is so irritating!!! doctor gave me some cream to apply on the affected areas & i am HOME BOUND @ least for a week! doctor said tat it is better for me to stay indoor for the rest of the week which means i can't go out, esp under the sun to reduce the irritation. i wanna to get well ASAP as the itchness is killing me so i shall be a good girl to stay home for tis whole week!
as such, i dun think i will b able to go for the chalet gathering on Sat. Lin, so sorry!!! many of us oso cannot make it on tat day. do u guys tink we shld probably arrange another gathering?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
**Special Announcement for 2/4 friends**
**Special Announcement for 2/4 friends**
==Chalet Gathering==
Huilin's mum got the chalet at Pasir Ris from 1st March to 4th March. It is the usual one opposite Pasir Ris Park. Lin suggested that we can meet on 1st March (Sat) and for those who wanna, we can stay over for the nite till 2nd March (Sun). Are u guys keen about it?
I will confirm the details with u all asap. :D
CNY gathering with 2/4 Friends..
CNY gathering with 2/4 gals on last Saturday was really great. it had been a long while since i had such non stop laughter with them. haha... the usual mahjong and "dai-dee" plus many different board games created lots of fun and laughter.. our laughter filled up the house as well as the corridor. i bet the neighbours muz be cursing and swearing. thanks to Stella, we got to enjoy the day at her grandma's house. THANK YOU to Ivy!!! for organising the gathering and bringing all the games, "yu-sheng", food and drinks.. of cos, wun forget to thank ur faithful helper... :D
other than games, we had a "loh-hei" session. everyone was so civilised at the start. slowly putting in the sauce, ingredients, crackers into the platter of shredded carrots and vege. BUT when it was time to begin "loh-ing", i suddenly realised how aggressive all of us can get! hahaha.. i saw the shredded vege flying in the air and landed on pple's hands.. Lian had a slice of salmon fallen on her hand at the start... woooo... after tis "loh-hei" session, i had a conclusion... DO NOT offend any of the 2/4 gals for we can get very aggressive if we wanna! hahaha...
the day ended at abt 1145pm before police come after us for noise pollution & also for the gals to catch the last train home. for me, i took "bus 11" home as the house is juz 10mins walk away from my place. i am really glad to meet up with the gals as it had been abt 1 long year since i last had so much fun with them. not really full strength, esp when most of my Spice gang r missing, still i really enjoyed myself. supposedly to have some photos abt the gathering to share but the photos r in Wen Hui's camera (if i'm not wrong). so gotta wait for a while more... *hint *hint to Hui.. photos!!!
previously, pple used to ask me how come i am still so close to a grp of frens i noe in sec 1 and 2? well, the ans is very simple. cos this grp of frens can be brought over many different phases. no matter is after lower sec, after sec sch, after our students life, after entering the working world, gathering with them will never stop. if i din rem wrongly, when we were in sec sch, we used to say tat in 20 years' time, our gathering will b on a bigger scale as there will be many children running around, our children of cos! haha.. so tis 20 years' time is now 10 years away... hmmm... so fast ah! anyway, no matter how old we get, i juz hope to be able to keep in touch with this grp of frens as we had been together thru many unforgettable moments and i really treasure tis frenship with every single one of them... :D
other than games, we had a "loh-hei" session. everyone was so civilised at the start. slowly putting in the sauce, ingredients, crackers into the platter of shredded carrots and vege. BUT when it was time to begin "loh-ing", i suddenly realised how aggressive all of us can get! hahaha.. i saw the shredded vege flying in the air and landed on pple's hands.. Lian had a slice of salmon fallen on her hand at the start... woooo... after tis "loh-hei" session, i had a conclusion... DO NOT offend any of the 2/4 gals for we can get very aggressive if we wanna! hahaha...
the day ended at abt 1145pm before police come after us for noise pollution & also for the gals to catch the last train home. for me, i took "bus 11" home as the house is juz 10mins walk away from my place. i am really glad to meet up with the gals as it had been abt 1 long year since i last had so much fun with them. not really full strength, esp when most of my Spice gang r missing, still i really enjoyed myself. supposedly to have some photos abt the gathering to share but the photos r in Wen Hui's camera (if i'm not wrong). so gotta wait for a while more... *hint *hint to Hui.. photos!!!
previously, pple used to ask me how come i am still so close to a grp of frens i noe in sec 1 and 2? well, the ans is very simple. cos this grp of frens can be brought over many different phases. no matter is after lower sec, after sec sch, after our students life, after entering the working world, gathering with them will never stop. if i din rem wrongly, when we were in sec sch, we used to say tat in 20 years' time, our gathering will b on a bigger scale as there will be many children running around, our children of cos! haha.. so tis 20 years' time is now 10 years away... hmmm... so fast ah! anyway, no matter how old we get, i juz hope to be able to keep in touch with this grp of frens as we had been together thru many unforgettable moments and i really treasure tis frenship with every single one of them... :D
Gathering with Spice Buddies...
see how blur i can get.. this entry was supposed to be up before CNY. i actually uploaded the photos and forgot to upload the entry. well, i guess now is still not too late.
suppose to have a gathering with Spice Buddies 1 week after i came back from Aussie, end up it was not a full strength gathering as Mr Aik Junwei was sick! he was so sick for the whole week that he did not join us. however, he made a very generous contribution. hahaha... he had a $80 voucher for Ichiban Boshi which would expired before CNY. so as his good buddies, we shall help him fully utilised the voucher before it expire. all thanks to Jun, at the end of the dinner, each of us only paid $6.50 for our dinner. whahaha... so shuang!!!!
shopping @ Robinsons after dinner... the gals wanna get new lingerie for CNY. hahaha... so there we r, headed straight to the lingerie section where the gals had a good time trying on different designs. while they were trying on, i was happily rotting away outside the changing rooms. luckily there is a couch for me to sit down and wait. after Lin and Jas decided on their purchase, Lian, the usual slow one, had to make us wait and wait. so to kill time, Lin started her nonsense...
San: ya la.. so small, how to fit leh? tat's suppose to be ur size leh... woooo.. sexy leh...
Monday, February 11, 2008
Chinese New Year 2008
Gong Xi Fa Cai!!! Happy Chinese New Year!!! heehee... these few days of holidays had been a busy period for me. as Grandma is recovering from the Cataract Operation, i had to take over the responsibility to cook for the family for our reunion dinner and CNY Day 1 Lunch. CNY has always been a festival i always look forward to as i can meet up with many relatives and get together. normally all of us r busy with our own life so tis once a yr CNY hols can bring us together and update on each other abt our happenings. with me in Aussie for the past 1 year, missing out on many opportunities to meet up with my family and relatives, CNY hols bcame even more important to me.
Auntie Cindy & my lovely niece, Baby Lynnette...
Brother & Lynnette... haha.. brother trying to act cute la... hmm, so when is my brother going to give me another niece or nephew leh?
Lynnette & I.. last year when i saw her, she was still a little baby. now she is all grown up.. almost 2 years old. tis sweetie is my elder cousin's little princess.
heehee.. cute little sweetie... hyper active girl...
from left to rite: my eldest cousin, Seow Wai & her little princess, Lynnette.. my 2nd cousin, Seow Yin & her princess, Joyce & little cutie, Anthony. heehee...
@ Swensens Park Hotel, Orchard...
i really miss these 2 buddies... miss all the precious moments we spent in Aussie... the Warren Street Baobei-s... hahaha...
Jas, Lin and Lian with Ms Lock's son, Jerald...
Sheba... one of Ms Lock's dogs...
Huilin & Snowie.. Snowie very dun give Lin face ah.. keep turning here and there.. finally willing to stay still for a min for a photo. hahaha... Lin's scarifice for her clothes to b covered by the fallen dog fur is worth while!!!
tis CNY hols was especially busy for me. other than gathering with family, i met up with my frens.
1stly was the meeting up with Tess! yeahz!!! she came to Spore for holidays!!! woohoo~!!!! so on 2nd day of CNY, we arranged to meet up for supper @ Swensens. Together with Huiying, Huiying's BF (Zhiwei), Philip and myself, we had a great time catching up with Tess. it made us felt as if we are back in Aussie, having our favourite dessert @ Freestyle. hahaha...
CNY Day 3 had always been a day to go for house visit to Teachers' house. in the morning, I went to 曾老师's house as per usual. met up with my pri sch frens and we went for our 8th CNY visit to her house. 曾老师 only permitted us to visit her house during CNY after our O levels. hence ever since then, tis is our 8th year to her house. i really really treasure tis kind of tradition almost us. rain or shine, we will all try to make it for tis once a year event & there will be more years to go ahead!
tis year CNY day 3 had been slightly busier. after lunch, i rushed down to meet Lin, Lian and Jas. it is suppose to be a visit to Ms Lock's house with my sec sch frens. however, many of them r unable to make it. but nevertheless, with juz few of us, we still had fun! hahaha.. hopefully next year, the attendance will be better!
2 years ago when i saw him, he was very hyper active boy. now he is still as active. hahaha...
before we left Ms Lock's house, Jerald put up a performance for us... so i had a deal with him tat next year, i shall go again to look at his Wushu performance after he attend Vincent Ng's Wushu School. hahaha...
suppose to take photo of Ms Lock but she said dun wan to, so dun have photos of her. but she has nv change. as usual, as pretty... as for her daughter, Jade, she is very shy. hopefully next year, she will be less shy and we can take a photo with her. heehee..
after Ms Lock's house, we went to meet up with Jun and had our dinner at airport. after a very FULL dinner, back to town for movie, Kungfu Dunk. heehee... the movie is really funny la, though some parts r quite lame, still it kept me laughing from beginning till end ah. hahaha... after the movie, is already past midnite. since there is no transport home, we decided to hang out a while more and catch nite rider home. hahaha... so we had our usual photo taking session...
020208... nice number? hahaha... yep! yep! 2nd Feb 08 was my elder cousin, Cindy's wedding. it was a very busy day for her as well as for me. in the morning, i went over to help out as "jie mei". 2nd time being "jie mei". well, i dun mind waking up early in the morning ah as at the end of the day, we, "jie mei" will received ANG BAOs!!! hahaha... going here and there for tea ceremony, photo taking... finally the "day section" of the wedding ended at abt 2pm. time to head home to rest and get ready for the "evening section".
reached Orchard Parade Hotel at abt 6pm to get ready the area for the wedding dinner. had to stay put at the reception area to "ja-ga" the ANG BAOs collection box for the couple. well, i muz say Sporeans' usual pattern of being late for wedding dinner HAD became a tradition ah. the wedding invitation wrote 730pm as cocktail, 8pm as dinner. by the time we started the dinner, it was close to 845pm!!! aiyooooo..... luckily the FOOD was yummy and delicious, made all the waiting worth while... hahaha... so far is the best wedding dinner i ever eaten. portion oso juz rite. PERFECT!
the 3 little angels for the wedding.. 小花童。。
see how happy the little prince was.. smiling from ear to ear and holding the hands of the 2 little princesses, walking down the aisle...
here come the couple.. entering the ballroom in their creamy white wedding gown and suit...
reached Orchard Parade Hotel at abt 6pm to get ready the area for the wedding dinner. had to stay put at the reception area to "ja-ga" the ANG BAOs collection box for the couple. well, i muz say Sporeans' usual pattern of being late for wedding dinner HAD became a tradition ah. the wedding invitation wrote 730pm as cocktail, 8pm as dinner. by the time we started the dinner, it was close to 845pm!!! aiyooooo..... luckily the FOOD was yummy and delicious, made all the waiting worth while... hahaha... so far is the best wedding dinner i ever eaten. portion oso juz rite. PERFECT!
photos taken on tat day...
Friday, February 01, 2008
Gathering with 2/4 grp...
finally.. after 1 long year, i finally met up with the 2/4 group of friends. gathering with them will always be guaranteed with laughter and non stop jokes.. haha.. as usual, we have some blur blur ones who will create the opportunity for us to laugh. & tis time round with the chilling out session at Minds Cafe after dinner, there was even more fun and laughter. heehee...
for dinner, we went to Waraku @ Central. my 2nd visit to Waraku tis week but i dun mind ah. cos 1stly can try different dishes, 2ndly with different grp of pple mah so there will be different experience. as we r too hungry and engrossed with our food, NO photos r taken at Waraku. hahaha... all photos r taken @ Minds Cafe while we r having some good laughter over the games.
the items for the game.. 4 deck of cards.. dice and some seeds..
to get the ball rolling.. the team made up of Chee Wei, Ivy & Shupei attempted their 1st question.. here is Chee Wei, trying to draw out the clue... nice drawing? haha.. can guess wat he trying to draw here?
look @ Ivy's and Shupei's faces.. wooo... is quite hard leh.. they tried all ans but none hit the bull's eye! haha... in the end, time's up & still thEy din get the ans... awww...
next will be Wen Hui's & Yiling's turn... well, their task was rather easy so with Yiling giving the clue, Wen Hui got the correct ans! woohoo~!!!
relaxing session... some photo taking during interval... haha... shuwei complained tat she seems much shorter so i had to bend down and blend in with her height la... aiyooo... see how nice i am... hahaha...
2nd game of the nite.. some bluffing game... is quite a fun game cos after a round or two, we got the hang of it and began to understand how to win the game.. heehee... after abt 3 rounds of the game, everyone's progress seems good cos at least most of us got of of the starting point! erm... wait!!! there was only ONE who was left behind... whose tat blackie ah? hahaha... who is the Ms Blur within us leh? tat's her lor... she oso kinda sway la.. kanna stuck at starting point for so long..
everyone busy writing down the ans... very attentive and serious cos they r trying to tink of the best ans to bluff everyone! hahaha... actually tis game is really abt how well u can bluff and convince pple tat ur ans is the rite one ah. let's see who is the one who can bluff pple the most within us..
Winner! Winner! Winner! Player with the yellow seed... is none other than Chee Wei! the one who can fake most of the ans... whahaha... as for the blackie who was left behind by all of us, she finally made some good progress. at least, she was away from the starting point... hahaha...
before heading home, let's have a group photo taken... so so long nv had their faces on my blog ah... before i lose a grp of faithful readers, i better post their faces on my blog 1st... :D
a lovely bag from Wen Hui, Yiling, Shiying and Stella... Arigato!!! really appreciate! juz nice for me to carry it to work... heehee... Espirt wor.. i wun bear to spend such money too ah...
paiseh ah.. a bit dark.. but can see tat is a very unique bracelet from Shupei, Ivy and Jenny. i like it very much as the design is rather different and easy to match with my clothes. heehee... gers ah, 谢谢!!!
i was rather surprised by tis pressie. hahaha... today i walked past The Face Shop and i tot of buying some mask to try. but i din get it as i juz gotten some new mask from another place, so din wanna spend the money. then when i saw tis pressie from Wen Hui, i was kinda shocked... Hui ah, u can read my mind ah? hahaha... THANK U!!!!
for dinner, we went to Waraku @ Central. my 2nd visit to Waraku tis week but i dun mind ah. cos 1stly can try different dishes, 2ndly with different grp of pple mah so there will be different experience. as we r too hungry and engrossed with our food, NO photos r taken at Waraku. hahaha... all photos r taken @ Minds Cafe while we r having some good laughter over the games.
ermm.. i forget the name ah! hahaha.. Xiaoyang's idea to play tis game.. quite hard lor.. need to use brain to tink, even with our tinking brain, we may not the very chim ans lor... aiyoooo...
even with them getting the correct ans, we decided to skip tis chim chim game as they need some no brain needed game to relax after a long day of work ah...
as wat i told Leonard, i have a grp of very good friends who nv fail to rem my bday every year since day 1 i noe them. every year during my special day, they r always here to send me their warmest regards and wishes no matter where i am. once again, i received their warmest wishes and lovely pressies. i really love all the pressies.. love them as much as i love tis grp of frens whom i noe for more than 10 yrs... *THANK YOU very much to all of u for the lovely pressies and for remembering me & my bday! muackzzzzz*
i love all my pressies and really paiseh for making u gers spend money. a simple gift, a simple bday msg and any other kind of bday wishes, i deeply appreciate all of them. once again...
THANK U to ALL!!!!
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