i did it!!!! i din chicken out... i din run away at the very last min... heehee... so wat am i toking abt here? i am still in New Zealand & YES! YES! is Bungy Jump & Tandem Sky Dive! i have so so much to share abt these 2 experiences but i will leave everything till i get back to Aussie. juz a quick summary abt them will be i really really ENJOYED both of them so so much!!!! seriously had a great time with both... & it definitely add so much memorable moments to my wonderful NZ trip! nv will forget... 9 more days to go and i will head back to Aussie... more fun to come, i reckon. is winter festival in NZ now. is crazy and fun times for all. i can be part of it too! woohoo~~!!!
alright then... leave u guys here & i will update more when i get on with my trip...
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
6th day in New Zealand... is snowing!!! splendid landscape, awesome scenary...
hello guys!!! i am currently in New Zealand. 19 days holidays in New Zealand and now is the 6th day! woohoo!!! more to go... had been very good experience so far and i tink it will only get better. heehee... today i went for snow hiking in the glacier tat was rather heavily snowing. it was very tiring but a very rare experience as we dun have tis back in Spore or neither can i get it in aussie. hehee.. although there was disappointment too as the weather was very bad today so we were only half way thru. din really manage to get to the glacier. it was getting too dangerous to be climbed on so we had to head back. well, kinda disappointed as after walking so long on that slippery path and in tat super heavy boots & tat ever thick clothings. now my legs r numb... seriously cannot feel my legs now. i can see the veins of my feet rather visible now. hahaha... share elaborate more when i get back and upload the photos.
anyway, i really enjoyed myself so far. heehee... however at tis moment, i am stucked at a mountainous area cos the route to my next destination, Queenstown is being blocked due to heavy snowstorm. i cannot leave tis place as yet. need to wait for 1 more day. i hope after tomolo, things will get better and i can proceed to Queenstown for the activities tat i am looking forward... Bungy, Skydive, white water rafting, skiing, jetboating... woohoo~~~
alrighty! i shall end here & will upload another entry before i head back to Brisbane on 5 Jul as after i go back, no internet at home liao. haha...
anyway, i really enjoyed myself so far. heehee... however at tis moment, i am stucked at a mountainous area cos the route to my next destination, Queenstown is being blocked due to heavy snowstorm. i cannot leave tis place as yet. need to wait for 1 more day. i hope after tomolo, things will get better and i can proceed to Queenstown for the activities tat i am looking forward... Bungy, Skydive, white water rafting, skiing, jetboating... woohoo~~~
alrighty! i shall end here & will upload another entry before i head back to Brisbane on 5 Jul as after i go back, no internet at home liao. haha...
Friday, June 15, 2007
i'm all DONE for now!!! woohoo~~~
woohoo~~!!! woohoo~~!!! woohoo~~!!!
ALL DONE!!! finally!!! not officially graduated as is only end of exam lah. but i juz wanna express my happiness. on my part, i had done wat i can do for ALL assignments and exams had ended as of today for my bachelor studies only (unfortunately!). dun remind me wat i have to go for in the following 1 year. juz let me enjoy tis min of happiness as today is the FINAL exam of my bachelor studies!!! congrats me for tat, k? heehee... date of release results will be 4th July. till then, i shall enjoy my life 1st. worry later cos watever i can, i did liao. rest is up to fate liao. heehee...
gonna be a busy weekend as i am setting off to New Zealand on tis sunday! yeahz!!! for a trip of abt 3 weeks away from Brisbane. i guess shld b very challenging weeks for me cos i am all alone! going thru the super duper cold winter in NZ.... today i went to city to get all the necessary stuff to bring along for the trip and tomolo shall be packing day! after which, i am all set and ready! i will have fun in NZ cos i am going to try alot of different and extreme activities.... will definitely update more when i get back with photos! so stay tune, k? :D
i get busy 1st... bid the bloggy temporary goodbye on sun before i set off!
ALL DONE!!! finally!!! not officially graduated as is only end of exam lah. but i juz wanna express my happiness. on my part, i had done wat i can do for ALL assignments and exams had ended as of today for my bachelor studies only (unfortunately!). dun remind me wat i have to go for in the following 1 year. juz let me enjoy tis min of happiness as today is the FINAL exam of my bachelor studies!!! congrats me for tat, k? heehee... date of release results will be 4th July. till then, i shall enjoy my life 1st. worry later cos watever i can, i did liao. rest is up to fate liao. heehee...
gonna be a busy weekend as i am setting off to New Zealand on tis sunday! yeahz!!! for a trip of abt 3 weeks away from Brisbane. i guess shld b very challenging weeks for me cos i am all alone! going thru the super duper cold winter in NZ.... today i went to city to get all the necessary stuff to bring along for the trip and tomolo shall be packing day! after which, i am all set and ready! i will have fun in NZ cos i am going to try alot of different and extreme activities.... will definitely update more when i get back with photos! so stay tune, k? :D
i get busy 1st... bid the bloggy temporary goodbye on sun before i set off!
Monday, June 11, 2007
The BIG BBQ!!!
last week was Queensland Week. many places around the State of Queensland had different celebrations for this week. as for Brisbane, there was this Big BBQ held @ Roma Street. hmm... sound as if there r alot of food leh... then u r wrong! is actually a day where kids r the STARS! yes! is family event & most events and games r catered to the kids. they even have HI! 5 performance.
as a grand event, of cos there r alot of help needed. & as a govt event, of cos as many volunteers needed as possible. heehee... since they need pple, of cos i wun give up such opportunity to be part of it ah! even is exam period, i still went ahead to volunteer for it. so on a very cold and freezing morning, i dragged myself out of my comfy bed and get ready to start my shift at 9am.
dreadful to wake up so early lor... but all was good at the event. i was assigned to mend the kid's registration and information booth. my task is to help the kids to stick the free tattoo stick-on and prepare wrist bands with their parents' mobile numbers. seeing all the lovely kids, all the hardwork and dreadful tinking of waking up so early r all gone! from 9am till 12.30pm, i juz worked non-stop. really non-stop & not a drop of water into my mouth cos the crowd juz continuously come and come. i din even noe is end of my shift until my fellow volunteer mate told me to stop work before i realised tat i had been standing up for 3 and half hrs non-stop with a fixed position tat led to my current pain ah. yes! imagine i bent over to help the kids who r abt the height of the table for the full 3 hrs plus. i only managed to straighten my body for a few mins and continue again. until when i really stand straight and walked to toilet to change out my uniform, tat was when i feel tat instant pain and aching ah. gosh... i din noe it was so jia lat. but it only got worse when i went home. now my thighs r aching too. imagine when i climbed up the stairs in my house, i had a weird posture. my backside r sticking out and legs rather wide open. whahaha... and i have a slight problem bending down to take tings. i got to slowly squat down. now only lying straight in bed is the best for me but i cannot ah! cos i need to mug for the friday paper. argh~!!! if tomolo it dun get well, i will need to stick tat smelly medicated plaster on my waist and thighs liao. hahaha...
well, if u ask me will i go for it again, my ans will be YES for sure! even with all these pain, i still tink is worth it. cos when i was doing my task, i juz forget everything on mind. no stress, no burden, no need to tink of the 101 tings tat i need to do. & somemore i am facing such lovely angels... CHILDREN! their smiles r so so innocent and adorable. their voices r so so lovely. each and every one of them r so polite. wait patiently in queue for their turn. i seriously had a great time having so much fun with them. some lovely moments to recall:
- at one go, i have 5 little hands placed in line nicely on the table for me to stick the tattoo on their hands.
- a little girl asked me "y do u have 3 tattoos on ur hands?" i answered "cause i need to show you guys how the tattoos will looked like. now you have 2 and so u can show to other people too!" so there she is running to her Mummy, "mummy, i have 2 tattoos, see!", showing her 2 small smally hands to her mummy. whahahaha...
- the kids' hands r so so small tat the tattoos r too big at times. heehee...
- & i have a sulky boy who was smiling with mouth widely open after i place a tattoo on his arm. hahaha...
too many to name... conclusion is tat kids r simply amazing... they can juz brighten up ur day without u even realising it and their smiles juz defeat every unhappy moments. & one more ting is tat i realise tat Aussie Daddys r so so wonderful. heehee... i wanna an "Ang Moh" Daddy for my kids next time ah! :D
my face look pale here, rite? cos i juz woke up in such a cold and freezing morning... without breaky somemore. hahaha...
hula-hula section. the hula hula r placed on the floor for everyone to play with. i saw many children and their parents playing with them ah. hahaha... i miss playing hula hula ah. i was quite good at it last time lor... i can continuosly play for hours but now ah... cannot lor. rusty liao, waist to stiff to swirl and shake liao...
fly! fly! the kid is flying... oh well, the children r too light for them to be able to fly up and down. so by the side, there is a man attached to the rope. heehee... tis is using the man's weight to pull the kid up ah.
is Magic show moment... kids simply love it ah! he is using some tissue papers to create some magic which i dun understand at all but the kids r juz laughing so loudly tat i tink understanding does not matter after all... is laughter and joy tat matter the most. yeahz!
presenting to u the most popular location of the day! Sound Playground! i had abt 10 enquiries for the morning asking abt where is tis playground. i dunno wat was it all abt until i saw it myself. they r some musical instruments made from recycled materials. there r big barrels, tables and buckets. & the kids juz use the stick to hit and hit to create sound ranging from low to high pitch. very noisy but funny ah! cos is a "rojak" orchestra!
Surf! Surf! the surf rescue team show casing their equipments and having kids taking photos...
Bollywood dance... trying to get the kids to have a bollywood dance... according to me, if u add a tree in front each dancers, it will become their typical move in their movies... "dancing around the coconut tree and play tat "now u see, now u dun" tree hiding game"... heehee...
cool leh... rock climbing lor... is quite tall lor. & there r really kids who managed to climb up and complete the whole course. bravo!!!
BMW cars = EXPENSIVE & LUXURY! vintage cars = EXPENSIVE & LUXURY! BMW Vintage cars = SUPER EXPENSIVE & LUXURY! tis mini-BMW very cute, rite? heehee... how to squeeze pple inside leh?
the bonnet can be opened in such an innovative way ah... heehee... kinda creative ah...
imagine if tis is my wedding car... woohoo~~!!! cool, rite? very classy lor...
such a long time since i last watch a puppet show liao... but i cannot have a close up view cos the kids r all sitted rite in front. no more rooms to squeeze in liao & there r parents who r there enjoying the show with the kids too.
did i mention tis is a Big BBQ? yes! tis is the free give away BBQ (sausages & bread). the queue for it is horrible lor... is very very long and it seems never ending ah... whahaha...
tis is where i worked at. cannot have a closer view cos too many pple to block my way to enter the place again. heehee...
tis is the tattoo... tis is on my rite arm. i tried one on my face but only half the sun came out. hahaha... but it look kinda nice on the kids' chubby face cos i did tat for a few of them. heehee...
Seafood Pizza... alot of ingredients ah! in my opinion, tis is ingredients overload! very rich in ingredients ah!!! & the prawns, mussels and sotong r so so big and juicy!
Gulf of Mexico! HOT! HOT! the hidden chilli sauce seems free sia... cos the pizza taste very SPICY! & tis is overloading with sauces...
as a grand event, of cos there r alot of help needed. & as a govt event, of cos as many volunteers needed as possible. heehee... since they need pple, of cos i wun give up such opportunity to be part of it ah! even is exam period, i still went ahead to volunteer for it. so on a very cold and freezing morning, i dragged myself out of my comfy bed and get ready to start my shift at 9am.
dreadful to wake up so early lor... but all was good at the event. i was assigned to mend the kid's registration and information booth. my task is to help the kids to stick the free tattoo stick-on and prepare wrist bands with their parents' mobile numbers. seeing all the lovely kids, all the hardwork and dreadful tinking of waking up so early r all gone! from 9am till 12.30pm, i juz worked non-stop. really non-stop & not a drop of water into my mouth cos the crowd juz continuously come and come. i din even noe is end of my shift until my fellow volunteer mate told me to stop work before i realised tat i had been standing up for 3 and half hrs non-stop with a fixed position tat led to my current pain ah. yes! imagine i bent over to help the kids who r abt the height of the table for the full 3 hrs plus. i only managed to straighten my body for a few mins and continue again. until when i really stand straight and walked to toilet to change out my uniform, tat was when i feel tat instant pain and aching ah. gosh... i din noe it was so jia lat. but it only got worse when i went home. now my thighs r aching too. imagine when i climbed up the stairs in my house, i had a weird posture. my backside r sticking out and legs rather wide open. whahaha... and i have a slight problem bending down to take tings. i got to slowly squat down. now only lying straight in bed is the best for me but i cannot ah! cos i need to mug for the friday paper. argh~!!! if tomolo it dun get well, i will need to stick tat smelly medicated plaster on my waist and thighs liao. hahaha...
well, if u ask me will i go for it again, my ans will be YES for sure! even with all these pain, i still tink is worth it. cos when i was doing my task, i juz forget everything on mind. no stress, no burden, no need to tink of the 101 tings tat i need to do. & somemore i am facing such lovely angels... CHILDREN! their smiles r so so innocent and adorable. their voices r so so lovely. each and every one of them r so polite. wait patiently in queue for their turn. i seriously had a great time having so much fun with them. some lovely moments to recall:
- at one go, i have 5 little hands placed in line nicely on the table for me to stick the tattoo on their hands.
- a little girl asked me "y do u have 3 tattoos on ur hands?" i answered "cause i need to show you guys how the tattoos will looked like. now you have 2 and so u can show to other people too!" so there she is running to her Mummy, "mummy, i have 2 tattoos, see!", showing her 2 small smally hands to her mummy. whahahaha...
- the kids' hands r so so small tat the tattoos r too big at times. heehee...
- & i have a sulky boy who was smiling with mouth widely open after i place a tattoo on his arm. hahaha...
too many to name... conclusion is tat kids r simply amazing... they can juz brighten up ur day without u even realising it and their smiles juz defeat every unhappy moments. & one more ting is tat i realise tat Aussie Daddys r so so wonderful. heehee... i wanna an "Ang Moh" Daddy for my kids next time ah! :D
upon reaching home, i was dead tired. no mood to study at all & as huiying suggested the previous nite. so we had a pizza dinner together. heehee... save my trouble to cook dinner too! no Domino pizzas tis time round, we decided to try something more expensive from Pizza Capers... heehee...
overall tis 2 pizzas r yummy! ingredients overload but still great! but oso can get quick sick of it so i gave my remaining share to Fiona ah. dun ask me eat them for another meal cos is too rich for me ah. heehee...
okok... so much for now... gota go back to studies...
** 4 days to end of EXAM!
Friday, June 08, 2007
in the midst of examz revision...
haha... i tink tis is the most slacking exam period for me. cos i had not been studying faithfully. watching tv shows downloaded from MOBTV (they extended my free subscription! y? argh~!), went to gym, doing research for my NZ trip, going for a volunteer event tis sun... blah blah... all these shld be out of my agenda or not priority for now cos i have an exam coming up!
although is only 1 paper, is still exam ah! seriously need to get my head back on studies. i had been so slow in my revision. well, i guess i really dun like literature studies! to tink i was in literature class in sec sch, hmm... but i failed my O level literature lor. i got E8! hahaha... anyway, my exam paper is on a module tat is more or less similar to literature studies. how does studying a self-assessment text "7 habits of highly effective pple" & a novel "Alchemist" for ur exam sound to u? how will u feel when ur exam r all abt the journal readings? there r no theoretical fact to rem or refer to. is so so personal opinion studies tat when i look at the past year exam paper, i almost fainted... question such as "which is ur favourite guest speaker of the semester? why? how do u relate ur own career objectives to his or her guest lecture?" & many more on ur career goals, caereer path and so on... how will u ans all these if u were me? how will study for all these if u were me?
hmm.... wat to do leh? tis course is called Professional Development lor so i oso bo bian ah... die die oso muz study something, anything tat i can digged out from tat stack of notes...
anyway, as the most dreadful revision period went... on a super duper COLD evening today, Fiona & I went to Nando's for dinner. it is a newly open restaurant nearby our houses. Nando's... sound Indian to u? well, it sound Indian to me lor & i tot is an Indian restaurant. ended up i was wrong! is Portuguese. whahaha... hmm... guess, i shld stop blabbering & get on with the photos of the dinner... tok while viewing the photos... bring it on now! yeahz~!!!
"po-po... po-po..." okok... i'm trying to sound like a chicken, obviously is a failure... whahaha... see tis chicken number stand here? Nando's is all abt CHICKEN! their grilled chicken is famous! (i din ordered tat tis time. will order the next round... promise!) as the main lead is chicken, so the number tag is of cos buddy buddy lah... Fiona & i tot of smuggling tis tag home cos don't u tink is FUNNY? i mean very creatively designed & is CUTE! hahaha...
tat irritating Fiona lah... ask me open my mouth so BIG! & still wanna specially capture the opened mouth... my mouth so small lor.. yet she force me open so wide... so painful and aching ah! whahaha... (continue to pretend only, Miss Lim... as if ur mouth so small ah! - tons of rebutting comments from general public, i reckon!)
see her cheeky look... is juz fries lor... she oso can get so delighted... whahaha... oh well, pardon her ah cos she is mesmerised by Nando's!
hmm.. here r wat we ate... we wanna different wraps but they dun have that much variety as yet. all they have was tis classic chicken wrap only. haiz... tat's sad. here's my meal, classic wrap with side order of cous-cous (we dun even noe wat it is after finishing it! hahaha...)
fiona's meal of classic wrap & peri-peri fries... fries sprinkled with the Nando's peri-peri powder... tasty...
here r all the different types of chilli sauces ranging from Medium to Extra Hot(was there mild, Fiona? i forget ah!) & on each of them, there r some description such as being dare devil if u take the Extre Hot & so on... & did u notice an "outcast" there? yeahz... the one at the corner which dun belong to Mr Chilli's family... give u an enlarge view up next...

is Mr Tomato Sauce! & the description is "for those too chicken to try peri-peri (refering to chilli)"... whahaha... cool description, rite? i din take tat lor... i juz merely borrowed from next table for photo taking. whahaha...
although is only 1 paper, is still exam ah! seriously need to get my head back on studies. i had been so slow in my revision. well, i guess i really dun like literature studies! to tink i was in literature class in sec sch, hmm... but i failed my O level literature lor. i got E8! hahaha... anyway, my exam paper is on a module tat is more or less similar to literature studies. how does studying a self-assessment text "7 habits of highly effective pple" & a novel "Alchemist" for ur exam sound to u? how will u feel when ur exam r all abt the journal readings? there r no theoretical fact to rem or refer to. is so so personal opinion studies tat when i look at the past year exam paper, i almost fainted... question such as "which is ur favourite guest speaker of the semester? why? how do u relate ur own career objectives to his or her guest lecture?" & many more on ur career goals, caereer path and so on... how will u ans all these if u were me? how will study for all these if u were me?
hmm.... wat to do leh? tis course is called Professional Development lor so i oso bo bian ah... die die oso muz study something, anything tat i can digged out from tat stack of notes...
anyway, as the most dreadful revision period went... on a super duper COLD evening today, Fiona & I went to Nando's for dinner. it is a newly open restaurant nearby our houses. Nando's... sound Indian to u? well, it sound Indian to me lor & i tot is an Indian restaurant. ended up i was wrong! is Portuguese. whahaha... hmm... guess, i shld stop blabbering & get on with the photos of the dinner... tok while viewing the photos... bring it on now! yeahz~!!!
i tink their limitation in variety is becos they r short-handed! do they need help? i can work for them! i dun mind having to "ta-bao" leftovers home! hahaha... oh well, but at a 2nd tot... my conclusion is if u like a particular food from a place, dun ever work at the place! dun tink u can ta-bao leftovers & wanna work ah... cos if u work at the place, chances will be tat u will no longer like tat food as u will get SICK of it! sick of smelling and seeing it after facing it for hours at work whole day. so i cannot work in Kadoya (my katsu don), not at Freestyle (my flourless chocolate cake), not at Salt & Battery (my fish & chips), not at Hanachi (my jap curry rice), not KFC in Aussie (i love the chicken here!) hmm... sound as if pple wanna hire me ah! whahaha...
Anyway, i had a crazy tot of taking photos of the following when Fiona draw my attention to the chilli bottles... whahaha... here u go...
is Mr Tomato Sauce! & the description is "for those too chicken to try peri-peri (refering to chilli)"... whahaha... cool description, rite? i din take tat lor... i juz merely borrowed from next table for photo taking. whahaha...
anyway, tat's all folks! i will continue to try to mug. even is pretending, i will still mug! my end of misery will be here soon when next week @ tis hour, i shld be busy packing my luggage for my New Zealand trip! hahaha... last week of ENDURANCE!!!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Rainy Days...
Scene outside my house early tis morning, when i wake up, in the afternoon & NOW!

YES! it had been raining for 3/4 of the day! i reckon it will continue to late at nite. well, i am grateful tat it is raining cos Australia need water, Queensland need water to tide over the dry season earlier tat had caused serious drought where water restriction goes as high as Level 6. however, y muz it be raining now? is examz period ah... rainy days mean sleepy days which means no mood to study, grumpy mood, slacking mode, sian mode & many more... all except study mode! damn it! super inefficient and unproductive in my revision ah!
i need the sun now! can i pls have a cooling weather with not so much of rain? whahaha... if i can manipulate the weather as the way i wanna, i tink i am a very powerful person lor... oh well, i tink the cooling weather is making me having hallucination. whahaha.. not tinking clearly liao...
YES! it had been raining for 3/4 of the day! i reckon it will continue to late at nite. well, i am grateful tat it is raining cos Australia need water, Queensland need water to tide over the dry season earlier tat had caused serious drought where water restriction goes as high as Level 6. however, y muz it be raining now? is examz period ah... rainy days mean sleepy days which means no mood to study, grumpy mood, slacking mode, sian mode & many more... all except study mode! damn it! super inefficient and unproductive in my revision ah!
i need the sun now! can i pls have a cooling weather with not so much of rain? whahaha... if i can manipulate the weather as the way i wanna, i tink i am a very powerful person lor... oh well, i tink the cooling weather is making me having hallucination. whahaha.. not tinking clearly liao...
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Food Indulgence... again ah! hahaha... :D
my spice buddies have Max Brenner, i have Freestyle Desserts with my housemates! whahaha...
oh well, is the last week of uni & last weekend before we mug for examz. having our last report due on Mon, Huiying & i had to mug thru the weekend. however, on the dreadful Sat afternoon, Huiying pop a msn msg to me "iris, do u wanna go out & chill at Freestyle at nite? we faster finish our reports & go!" wowow... wat a temptation & is a BIG one.... so there i am hurrying myself and pia all the way to finish tat long winded report (4000words in the end... phew~!)
so off we went to Cybercity for dinner & Freestyle for desserts!
oh well, is the last week of uni & last weekend before we mug for examz. having our last report due on Mon, Huiying & i had to mug thru the weekend. however, on the dreadful Sat afternoon, Huiying pop a msn msg to me "iris, do u wanna go out & chill at Freestyle at nite? we faster finish our reports & go!" wowow... wat a temptation & is a BIG one.... so there i am hurrying myself and pia all the way to finish tat long winded report (4000words in the end... phew~!)
so off we went to Cybercity for dinner & Freestyle for desserts!
2 beauties against the black background... whahhaha... oops~
Tess & i @ Cybercity in Chinatown...
regular move of photo taking while waiting anxiously for the food...
here comes the food! we ordered the same dish... Fried Beef Noodles with extra spicy! is very very yummy!!! simply love it very much! & is very big portion ah... gosh~~~
Tess & Huiying @ Freestyle with their homemade lemonade & Earl Grey tea respectively...
it was a long wait as there r alot of pple in the cafe... as u can see, Huiying & Tess' drinks had been served! & where is mine??? mmm...
wooo... finally all the drinks and cakes came.. our table r FULL of stuff! well, which shall i attack 1st leh???
make do with the chocolate bar 1st... whahahaha... up next...
regular move of photo taking while waiting anxiously for the food...
tat's not all for our dinner oh... our main motive is actually dessert at Freestyle. however, as we r too hungry so we ate our dinner & after tat FULL dinner, we made our way to Freestyle for more FOOD! yes! yes! our all time favourite Chocolate Flourless Cake! act we r very full already but we juz wanna tat dessert so so much... so juz heckcare ah!
these r my 2 housemates cum good buddies in UQ who will always EAT & EAT with me. whahhaha... how to find such great khakis leh? my chocoholic khakis & my desserts companions! so gonna miss all these when they go back home...
heehee... such a lovely nite, i muz have some creative expression to follow on, rite? so there i was with all my funny expressions & all thanks to Huiying who captured all of them ah... here it goes!

is FULL indulgence in the world of CHOCOLATES & more CHOCOLATES!!!!
after such a FULL nite, i seriously had problem sleeping upon reaching home at abt 1plus. however, i already arranged with Fiona tat we r going to the Chinatown Roast Meat Restaurant for our long awaiting meal... so even feeling very FULL after waking up tis morning, i still go ahead as planned! take a look @ the photo & u will noe...
i love the food from this restaurant! is something i nv ate in spore before.
well, after such a sinful weekend, is time to get serious and mug for my ONLY exam paper on the 15 Jun. after which, i will be FREE! & off i shall go to New Zealand for 3 weeks! i seriously cannot wait but i shall slowly anticipate & promise to JIA you for tis last hurdle! yes! yes! counting down...
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