haha... before the photos overdue, i better update my blog 1st. not really fresh out from the oven but these photos were taken last friday. usually i will upload the photos on tat very nite but due to unforseen circumstances, i din had the chance to upload. & over the weekend, i din had any chance to use my lappy. so dragged till tis week, i received a reminder from Pat to ask for photos and i finally rem to download from my cam and upload on facebook and my blog here. heehee...
anyway, fri's gathering was with my poly friends and Ms Koh, our poly lecturer cum mentor. there were lots of laughter, jokes and happy smiles for the whole evening. apart from climbing the irritating and idiotic long flight of stairs up to Timbre @ Old School, everything was perfect for the nite. the company was good, the ambience was lovely and the food was yummy. Ohhh.. one more flaw: the fish & chip was uncooked when served to us initially. but Timbre did a service recovery by giving us a totally new set of fish & chip even when our initial one was halfway eaten. for tat, we compliment them. but the raw fish initially certainly shocked all of us. the nite went on well with our dedication to Ms Koh and i'm glad tat Ms Koh enjoyed herself with us.
the 2nd half of the nite continued after Ms Koh & Eugene went off 1st. June, Patricia, Jace, Bryan & I met up with another friend, Zach for KTV! woohoo~!!!! overnite KTV session @ Partyworld, from 12am to 4am. we decided on taking some shift work during singing in order to tahan thru the night. whahaha... after singing, we didn't go home straight as the only transport left will be TAXI which will cost bomb. we chose to sit down @ the 24-hrs Macdonald @ Shaw House to have our breaky while waiting for 1st train or bus. heehee... & we saw many interesting pple and happenings @ the macdonald. well, certainly the 2 guys may tink likewise as they shld be feeling rather uneasy. heehee... apart from these unglam scenes going on, we had a good time chit chatting, gossiping @ Macdonald. it was really a good moment of recalling all fond memories we had during our 3 yrs of poly life in NP. come to tink, we noe each other for abt 8 yrs.. pretty long ah...
alrighty! time to share some photos taken! till then, i shall await for the next poly gathering (hopefully more pple attending the next one).

group photo @ Timbre, old School

a table full of FOOD!!! & tat's the uncooked fish & chips!

crayfish spaghetti... quite normal.. but maybe when i ate it, it was cold liao so not as nice it shld be...

Me, Pat & Jace... top down photo taking always make our face look smaller but tis is a bit too close up la...

June & Eugene... couple looks... *oops*

Eugene & Ms Koh...

all the ladies for the night...

Bryan & June.. only pic with Bryan as my cam's batt decided to run dry as soon as Bryan arrived. haha...

the band in action... singing the song which we dedicated to Ms Koh...