kids nowadays can be very smart and fast in learning new things. yesterday, as i was baby-sitting my niece, i was assured once again that my little niece, Lynnette (Lynn) is a very smart girl who has very good memory and is a fast learner.
my cousin brought Lynn came over to my house in the morning and went home to get busy with the fixing of the fan at home. as Lynn was playing with the toys, suddenly something caught her eyes. yep! is the hula-hoop which i used to play with when i was in my pri sch. whahaha.. Lynn seems to be fascinated by this new toy. as there were 2 hula-hoops, so she requested me to play with her. so as i was demonstrating on how to play the hula-hoop, Lynn tried very hard to follow whatever i was doing. of cos, being a 2 yr old kid, is kinda hard for her to control the turning of the hula-hoop for the 1st time. but i think she had a good time turning here and there. as the hula-hoop is made up of many colours so i took the opportunity to help her to practise on her sense of colours. she could identify the colour "orange", "yellow", "purple" and "green" at once. but when it comes to the colour "blue", she hesitated and waited for me to give her the answer. haha... after putting the hula-hoops away, it was time for her lunch. so i grabbed a chair for her to sit down, so tat she could concentrate on finishing up her porridge. halfway thru the meal, she suddenly pointed to the chair and told me "blue". i was really surprised by her action and was really amazed by her learning ability. there is actually a difference between the 2 shades of blue. the blue on the hula-hoop is of a lighter shade while the colour of the chair belongs to a darker shade of blue. i am really glad tat she could still recognised despite the difference. then when she was drinking water from the cup, once again, she could point out that it was a blue cup. haha...
after hanging around at my house for few hours, it was time for Lynn to go home for bath and her afternoon nap. so as i packed up her stuff to get ready to send her home, i told her it was time to go home. instantly, she walked towards her slippers and started to put them on so as to get ready to go home. she even wanna hold on to her small bag of belongings as if she is going home on her own. haha.. her action of wanting to be a 小大人 was really funny and cute. she pressed the lift button for the lift and was all ready to lead me to her house. so i kept quiet and try to see if she could rem the way home. indeed, she could rem the way home and was confident abt it. all the way home, she was holding on to her own bag and taking the lead in front of me. haha... as we reached the void deck of her house, she suddenly told me "82B". YES! tat is the block number of her house. & she started to mumble some words which sounded like "toa payoh lorong 4". isn't Lynn amazing? she has such good memory and fast in picking up new things. of cos as she grow older, i hope she will get even better and learn as much as she could.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Dinner Gathering @ Shokudo Japanese Food Bazaar...
haha.. more feedbacks from my faithful readers tat my blog is seriously lack of updates. & if i dun have any updates, i will soon lose all these faithful readers. haha... okok.. in tat case, i muz try to update frequently. hmmm.. next few weeks shld be full of happenings which provide me with lots of updates for the blog. as for now, is an entry abt my dinner gathering with some of the girls @ Shokudo @ Raffles City.
it had been quite a while since i last see the girls so decided to arrange for a dinner gathering. after much arrangement, it was a Table for 5 Dinner Gathering. well, overall the response was still okay considering tat everyone shld b busy. the attendees for this Table for 5 dinner include: Shiying, Shuwei, Shupei, Stella and myself (San). haha.. coincidentally we r all the "S" clique! :D the initial queue @ the restaurant was long but bcos Shuwei & I managed to queue up much earlier, we were able to get the table pretty fast. judging from the pple in the restaurant and the pple queueing up, Shokudo is surely very popular and well-liked. i tink overall the food standard is acceptable. the concept is good and the resturant layout is especially ideal and appropriate for big groups of friends gathering for dinner or a dinner outing for a family.

still rem these characters from Sesame Street?? hmm... cuite Elmo, greedy Cookie Monster... i saw this performance @ Marina Square so decided to take some pics, oso to recall some fond childhood memories while watching Sesame Street...
Gobi's chocolate.. contributed by Shuwei who received these chocolates as Baby 1st mth old gift... nice dessert after the meal but the chocolates were little too sweet for some of us.
Curry Chicken Katsu Rice... looks good..
Version 1 of Omu rice (non-teppanyaki style).. the egg has tat very "FRESH" & "RAW" look...
Version 2 of Omu Rice (teppanyaki style)... taste a bit blend after a few mouthful...
wow... Shupei very busy ah.. on the phone while taking photo and still had the time to act cute with a "victory" sign. haha... as for Shuwei, forever trying to act cute la.. whahaha... & Stella dun seems to be affected by this "phone-calling pose"... :P
it had been quite a while since i last see the girls so decided to arrange for a dinner gathering. after much arrangement, it was a Table for 5 Dinner Gathering. well, overall the response was still okay considering tat everyone shld b busy. the attendees for this Table for 5 dinner include: Shiying, Shuwei, Shupei, Stella and myself (San). haha.. coincidentally we r all the "S" clique! :D the initial queue @ the restaurant was long but bcos Shuwei & I managed to queue up much earlier, we were able to get the table pretty fast. judging from the pple in the restaurant and the pple queueing up, Shokudo is surely very popular and well-liked. i tink overall the food standard is acceptable. the concept is good and the resturant layout is especially ideal and appropriate for big groups of friends gathering for dinner or a dinner outing for a family.
By the time we finished our main dish, we r too FULL to go for sides. haha... so end of the photos on FOOD~!!!!
Time to FEAST~!!! erm.. wait! some photos to be taken 1st!!!
Time to FEAST~!!! erm.. wait! some photos to be taken 1st!!!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
my happenings...
alrighty.. i received complaints from my readers for not updating my blog ever since my last entry on my Bro's wedding. well well.. there r happenings around, juz tat i am kinda lazy to update. haha... maybe i juz have a quick summary of some happenings.
1stly, last weekend, we celebrated my youngest cousin, Wei Zhi's 9th Birthday. it had been quite a while since i last attended any of my cousins' bdays as i was not in spore for the past few yrs during their bdays. it was a BBQ cum buffet bday celebration for my handsome cousin. as usual, my cousins' bday will always be flooded with many many kids which include their cousins as well as their friends. the kids were having a good time swimming in the pool, having fun with water balloons and running around. my niece, Lynnette was not in her swimming attire yet she was so attracted to the pool when she saw many kids having fun in the pool. so we had to borrow some clothings from Wei Zhi for Lynn to change out to so tat she can "afford" to get wet. halfway thru the dinner, my cousins Weiqi and Wei Hui & their maid, Machi started on a treasure hunt game which was suppose to be played by all the kids present. haha... being a "big" kid, i joined in their treasure hunt. of cos, my main motive was to guide little Lynnette along the way so tat she can have fun too. being juz a 2 yrs old girl, is hard for her to compete against those big kor-kor and jie-jie. so of cos, her Ah Yee, ME had to help her. in the end, we managed to find 2 packets of sweets. though we did not win the game, i tink Lynnette had great fun running around with so many kids. at the end of the game, Bday boy, Wei Zhi was a bit upset as he did not win the game. he was sulking while cutting the cake. well, he is a kid afterall. winning is something every kids and in fact everyone will like. so we can't blame him for behaving in this way but of cos we can try to explain to him tat winning is not everything. in fact, becos he is the bday boy, all the more he shld be gracious in letting other pple win. i guess he will understand. :D OH YA! we also met Wei Zhi's little GF, Careen at the bday party. haha... little Careen is very polite and friendly. she took initiative to say "hi" to Lynnette and tried to feed Lynnette with some cake. thru out the party, little Careen was very attached to Wei Zhi. she held on to Weizhi's hand wherever they went. haha... the very pure and innocent way of "love" between kids... simple and easy...
2ndly, yesterday, i went for a walk along Southern Ridges with Wen Hui. all along, i wanna take a walk along the Henderson Waves and Alexandra Arch. finally! i had the chance. thanks to Wen Hui for accompanying me when she had already done the walk before. though there was a light drizzle along the way which make us stopped our walk @ Hort Park instead of Kent Ridge, i still enjoyed the walk very much. nice view, good weather & lovely company... to make our walk more enjoyable, we even heard some lovely music on top of Mount Faber as someone was practising his saxophone on the hill top. haha... here r some pics taken along the way:

Henderson Waves from far...
along Henderson Waves...
Nice view from Henderson Waves..

along Alexandra Arch...
beautiful wall art @ Hort Park...
1stly, last weekend, we celebrated my youngest cousin, Wei Zhi's 9th Birthday. it had been quite a while since i last attended any of my cousins' bdays as i was not in spore for the past few yrs during their bdays. it was a BBQ cum buffet bday celebration for my handsome cousin. as usual, my cousins' bday will always be flooded with many many kids which include their cousins as well as their friends. the kids were having a good time swimming in the pool, having fun with water balloons and running around. my niece, Lynnette was not in her swimming attire yet she was so attracted to the pool when she saw many kids having fun in the pool. so we had to borrow some clothings from Wei Zhi for Lynn to change out to so tat she can "afford" to get wet. halfway thru the dinner, my cousins Weiqi and Wei Hui & their maid, Machi started on a treasure hunt game which was suppose to be played by all the kids present. haha... being a "big" kid, i joined in their treasure hunt. of cos, my main motive was to guide little Lynnette along the way so tat she can have fun too. being juz a 2 yrs old girl, is hard for her to compete against those big kor-kor and jie-jie. so of cos, her Ah Yee, ME had to help her. in the end, we managed to find 2 packets of sweets. though we did not win the game, i tink Lynnette had great fun running around with so many kids. at the end of the game, Bday boy, Wei Zhi was a bit upset as he did not win the game. he was sulking while cutting the cake. well, he is a kid afterall. winning is something every kids and in fact everyone will like. so we can't blame him for behaving in this way but of cos we can try to explain to him tat winning is not everything. in fact, becos he is the bday boy, all the more he shld be gracious in letting other pple win. i guess he will understand. :D OH YA! we also met Wei Zhi's little GF, Careen at the bday party. haha... little Careen is very polite and friendly. she took initiative to say "hi" to Lynnette and tried to feed Lynnette with some cake. thru out the party, little Careen was very attached to Wei Zhi. she held on to Weizhi's hand wherever they went. haha... the very pure and innocent way of "love" between kids... simple and easy...
2ndly, yesterday, i went for a walk along Southern Ridges with Wen Hui. all along, i wanna take a walk along the Henderson Waves and Alexandra Arch. finally! i had the chance. thanks to Wen Hui for accompanying me when she had already done the walk before. though there was a light drizzle along the way which make us stopped our walk @ Hort Park instead of Kent Ridge, i still enjoyed the walk very much. nice view, good weather & lovely company... to make our walk more enjoyable, we even heard some lovely music on top of Mount Faber as someone was practising his saxophone on the hill top. haha... here r some pics taken along the way:
3rdly, as some of u may noe... i started on my driving lessons during these past 2 mths. i hope to complete the driving course and get my licence before the driving centre moves out of its current location to Woodlands. haha... i dun wanna mention so much abt driving in case i irritate u guys by repeating myself on my encounters during driving lessons. instead i shall juz update on my progress every nOw and then. as of nOw, i have one last stage of the driving course to clear before i can sit for the practical driving test. so far so good for me @ driving. hope to maintain the standard and keep things going on smoothly. :D
4thly, as of now, i am still actively looking for a job. it had been quite a few mths. i am getting quite anxious but i noe i juz can't rush on some issues, especially when the situation now is getting from bad to worse. i will stay positive and keep on looking for a suitable job. hopefully things will look good for me soon...
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Brother's Wedding
had been busy and hectic weekend for me ah... reason being: it was my beloved brother's BIG day on Monday, 3rd Nov. so over the weekend, i was busy finishing up the preparation work for his wedding and doing all the last min confirmation on the wedding dinner's details. well, i only have 1 brother and being his only sister, i must do my very best to help out and make sure his day go on without any problems. & it had been quite a while since the Lim's family have such grand event so we were trying to make sure things do go too wrong.
during the DAY, we had the traditional customary ceremony and tea ceremony @ my parents' house @ Bukit Merah View. althought it was a weekday, my uncles and aunties and cousins managed to come by to witness the impt moment for my brother. i am pretty sure tat my brother felt delighted after receiving so many heart warming wishes and blessings from my relatives. as for the dinner at NIGHT, not only did most of our relatives came, most of my parents', brother's and sister-in-law's friends and colleagues came for the dinner @ Marina Mandarin Hotel to send their best wishes to the couples. minus some hipcups during the initial period of the dinner, the night went on perfectly well with well-coordinated timing. the whole dinner ended at abt 1030pm which was within our expectation. and of cos the tired couple enjoyed their nite @ the executive suite which was really cosy. as of the timing when tis entry was posted, my brother and sister-in-law shld be in Hong Kong, enjoying their short getaway trip as their Honeymoon.
with this entry, i hereby would like to wish them: Congratulations! and may happiness bless their marriage forever!!! 百年好合,永结同心!& oso 早生贵子!!! so tat i can be 姑姑 real soon... :D
enough of words... here r the photos:
pretty looking Sister-in-Law, Jayne aka Mrs Lim Wee Loon
nice smiles...
the couple in the mask...
@ one of the oldest church in Singapore...
along the road...
decorations on the wall.. proudly done by the groom's sister.. & tat's ME!
the nOt so yummy lunch buffet...
arrival of the couple @ the car park..
Tea Ceremony.. 1st on the list: my Paternal Grandma...
woooo... i bet Grandma muz be extremely delighted and excited when she was drinking the tea as my Bro is her eldest and favourite Grandson. whahaha...
"大哥, 喝茶!"sound a bit weird la.. cos tat is not how i usually call him. i will usually call him "kor kor" or 姓林的! (with everyone's surname as Lim, he is the only one who will response when i called out.. haha) & he looked @ the tea for quite a while before he drank it lor.. trying to be funny leh... naughty brother tat i have... *ah-bish*
wedding present from ME~!!! is a photo collage in a shadow box...
a closer look... i developed some of his wedding pics & did a photo collage using scrapbooking method. well, juz a simple one as i only stArted to do it the nite before the wedding while i was watching how Hamilton won the F1 championship from abt 1am to 3am. heehee... :P
the groom's Paternal family & Jayne's Grandma (extreme right in 1st row)
"rolling around" the bed! haha... actually it shld be done by a little boy but our young boys from the family were not able to attend the morning session, hence we had to trouble my 19 yrs old cousin to do it. he literally roll from one end to the other... Bravo~!!! well done, Ben~! (FAT angbao given lehh...)
the bridal car... lovely flowers decoration done my uncle. rem the car plate number so tat u can buy 4D! maybe there will be some luck in the numbers~! haha...

performance by the couple: Rumba Dance... (cousin SW, is not salsa tat they r dancing) both of them specially went for a 3mths express course to learn how to dance Rumba. though both of them learnt how to dance Salsa but both types of dances r different so there's a need for good coordination. overall, the dance was quite well done.. at least none of them fell down.. whaha... of cos, if they had more trainings, the effect will be even better~
the nuptial drink

Lynnette & her uncle Wee Loon (the groom) & her mummy... "舅舅, congratulations~!"
Me & Lynnette...
Lynnette dominated the whole stage before the start of the dinner... she sang a few of her favourite children songs to entertain everyone.. whahah...
Weiqi, Aunt Cindy, Lynnette & myself... taking a breather in between the dinner...
during the DAY, we had the traditional customary ceremony and tea ceremony @ my parents' house @ Bukit Merah View. althought it was a weekday, my uncles and aunties and cousins managed to come by to witness the impt moment for my brother. i am pretty sure tat my brother felt delighted after receiving so many heart warming wishes and blessings from my relatives. as for the dinner at NIGHT, not only did most of our relatives came, most of my parents', brother's and sister-in-law's friends and colleagues came for the dinner @ Marina Mandarin Hotel to send their best wishes to the couples. minus some hipcups during the initial period of the dinner, the night went on perfectly well with well-coordinated timing. the whole dinner ended at abt 1030pm which was within our expectation. and of cos the tired couple enjoyed their nite @ the executive suite which was really cosy. as of the timing when tis entry was posted, my brother and sister-in-law shld be in Hong Kong, enjoying their short getaway trip as their Honeymoon.
with this entry, i hereby would like to wish them: Congratulations! and may happiness bless their marriage forever!!! 百年好合,永结同心!& oso 早生贵子!!! so tat i can be 姑姑 real soon... :D
enough of words... here r the photos:
Part 1: The Wedding Photos

Part 2: Morning/Afternoon Session...
woooo... i bet Grandma muz be extremely delighted and excited when she was drinking the tea as my Bro is her eldest and favourite Grandson. whahaha...
she waited for quite a while for the tea... & she muz be very "thirsty" ah. she finished up the whole cup of the tea! haha...
she was the only one who rem to look @ the camera while drinking the sweet sweet longan & red date drink... surely nOe how to pose ah.. haha...

Part 3: Wedding Dinner
performance by the couple: Rumba Dance... (cousin SW, is not salsa tat they r dancing) both of them specially went for a 3mths express course to learn how to dance Rumba. though both of them learnt how to dance Salsa but both types of dances r different so there's a need for good coordination. overall, the dance was quite well done.. at least none of them fell down.. whaha... of cos, if they had more trainings, the effect will be even better~
"yum seng", "yum yum yum.... seng"
Part 4: the other side of the night
before, in-between & after the wedding dinner, we managed to capture some memorable moments...
after months of preparation, finally the wedding was a great success. all thanks to everyone's hardwork, effort and coordination. i certainly hope the couple had a great night and all the guests enjoyed the dinner. for myself, i had lots of fun. though there were alot preparation work to be done before that and there were quite a number of tasks to help out during the wedding, i still enjoyed myself very much. i am really very happy for my brother.. finally... my "kor kor" grow up liao! whahaha...
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