firstly, last min call from office to inform me that i have to extend my trip due to unforseen circumstances. my 1st instinct was "do i have enough clothes to last me thru out?" though is extension of 2 more days, i still muz have enough clothes ah. my usual practice is i will bring at least 1 set of extra clothes. but for tis trip, i brought juz enough for 4 days. so i have to do washing la.. haha...
then upon reaching HK airport, flight arrived slightly late, so we were late for the ferry. can't board the ferry which we were booked on, have to wait for the next one in abt 2hrs time! that eats into my rest time before the actual program starts in the evening. how nice can that be, right?
then on the day when i was supposed to go back to spore, Macau was hit my typhoon! it was typhoon signal 8 on the night when i was supposed to fly back to spore! get to stay in Macau for 1 more night but i dun really wanna that. due to critical weather condition, i was basically kept in the hotel all the day for tat extra day gained due to flight delay. & i have nOt seen a glass window with masking tape in real life before... haha...
anyway, i shall let the photos do the talking. too much to share, juz too lazy to type. haha...
Task 1: Mega (Spore, Thai, Malaysia) MICE Planners Familiarization Trip - 10 to 13 Sep 09
That's my Spore TEAM!
@ the Grand Hyatt Macau...
1st peek at the Grand Hyatt Macau hotel lobby...
During the lion dance...
@ The Venetian Macao
Food I ate during the trip..
2nd Task: MGTO Golf Challenge
Portuguese food
while my golfers were enjoying their golf, i made a trip to some hotels with my colleague from malaysia. we were not slacking lor, we were inspecting these hotels leh... see how hardworking we r. haha...
@ Waldo Hotel Macau
well well... it was a great trip to Macau for me. i really learnt quite a fair bit from this trip. not only did i get to polish up my Canto (though i still sounded quite weird), but also managed to learn on how to react to unforseen circumstances calmly and in a professional manner.