Tuesday, June 07, 2005

theory of "NO expectation"

yeahz! to reply to hui's comment for my previous post, i wanna share an experience. i understand wat she means. No expectation often has a pleasant results. it is true & tat is why whenever i do something new or encounter something different, i will tell myself to face it with no expectation. in tis way, watever happen along the way, be it good or bad, i can face it.

the 1st time i learnt abt tis theory of no expectation is during a camp when i was in poly yr 2. i went for an incubation camp in Malacca with my poly frens. before we set off, my fren who is the president of the club told us to relax and have fun during the camp as he feels that we will all benefit from the experience and teaching from the camp. he told us to go with no expectation and an open heart. when i heard tat, i was so anxious to go as i really wanna experience wat are the surprises awaiting ahead.

bearing tat feeling in mind, we went for camp. it was really enriching and meaningful. i really learnt alot. be it in dealing with people, handling different situation. more imptly is tat the theory of no expectation really works cos all the things tat happen along the way really give me all kind of pleasant surprises. with no expectation when i went, i bought home a "bag" of fulfilment with no disappointment.

when i enter my 1st company to work, i use tat theory too. however at times tings can still happen when i am still young. easily affected by frens around me. however at least with tat theory, i am "harmed" to the least amount.

now tat i am going to UQ for uni studies, i will use tis theory too. cos i tink is really useful and end up fulfilling. i have no lost and end up gaining more. so y not?

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