Saturday, June 25, 2005

Initial D -- yeahz!

i watched Initial D today with pat and jace. wow! is quite a great show considering it was rather funny thru'out. we were laughing thru'out ah... haha... & the driving stunts r simply great sia! the effect r very well done and is so cool when the car juz drive thru so so smoothly thru curves after curves... storyline was okay (not really great) but effect was rather cool. the way it was filmed simply bring car racing to life! background music was a good combination too... create tat atmosphere of racing and nervousness esp towards crucial moments.

i enjoyed the show quite a lot. haha.. other than enjoying the racing effects, i can admire my "husband" ah... yeahz! Edison is simply so cool and handsome in the show. he mature so much from the past shows... love him even more ah! haha... & i really like his character in the show... (although Jay's character is the leading actor). Edison's character is Ryousuke Takahashi. He is a car racer. his skills was great but on top of tat i simply love the fact tat he noe how to modify car! i really admire those pple who can modify car. not only can drive, oso can modify car. isn't tat perfect? yep! ryousuke is tat perfect character & acted by Edison, even add more points ah... haha.. i am bias, i noe ah... well, Jay's character was cool too. when he drive is like no need strength. so easy and relax... wow! good too.. overall jay's acting not considered as acting lah... he is like presenting him in the show ba... cos tat character is so Jay Chou alike. haha...

overall, tis show din went below my expectation. make me have an urge to go read the comics liao... haha... out of 10 points, i will give tis show 7 points ba! haha...

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