Saturday, June 25, 2005

Movies i watched...

haha... juz went to watch Batman Begins. aiyo... is such a long long show... abt 2hrs plus leh... & the starting was so so long winded and boring tat i almost fell asleep. i tot i am the only 1 who feels tat way... heehee... but thank god... pat and jace oso felt it which means is really quite boring at the starting. however as it goes on, it gets more and more exciting... quite interesting in fact. the effects, the gadgets and that stylo car of Batman... wow!!! at least i dun feel sleepy towards to end so not tat bad lah... & Batman oso quite good looking but too short... haha...

nv tot of watching Batman actually cos i feel tat Batman is rather redundant. he dun seems have any power like Superman or Ultraman. but his gadgets r super cool. his "wings" & tat car of his seems unbreakable. best sia! & i muz thanks eugene for the free movie ticket ah.. if not i oso no chance to watch Batman... haha... funny tat happen juz now oso when we were buying drinks. pat bought the drink and when eugene asked who is sharing the drink, she replied 3 persons. oops! she forget to include eugene lor... haha... & eugene kua kua jiao and went buy another drink on his own... haha... is not pat forget lah, is she count wrongly... aiyo...

last weekend i went to watch Mr and Mrs Smith with Jayne (my bro's gf). hmm... was quite a nice show considering it is funny & can see the good figure of Brad Pitt! haha... but it was rather ridiculous cos how come they dunno each other's real identity when they r married for 5 yrs... gosh! and their weapons like guns and bombs r all kept at home & they nv notice it at all. overall i quite enjoy the show (other than the Brad Pitt's marvellous body shape.. haha...). quite funny from start to end and during the sad sad part, i oso nv really wanna cry cos is too funny liao... moreover tis is a free movie oso. bro got 2 movie ticket vouchers so juz nice for us... hehe...

wow! watch so many movies at 1 go, but all free ah... haha!!!

wat i am watching later is the best ah! a movie i had been longing for... yeahz! is Initial D. inside got my "husband" and "BF" lor... haha... really look forward! yeahz!

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