Thursday, June 09, 2005

how many pple can we keep in our heart?

how many pple can we keep in our heart?

hmm... i am not referring to family and frens. as in our heart, there will always be spaces for our beloved family and fellow good frens. i am referring to those special someones who happens to be able to "sneak" into ur heart.

i have a special someone who have a rather permanent place in my heart. he is someone i noe for quite a few yrs. when i 1st noe him, he gave me a rather good impression. till now it is still so fresh in my head. i have tat kind of special feeling towards him. we became good frens and i really treasure tis frenship. though we r nv together, we maintain as good frens, frens who can tok abt everyting and anyting under the sun. i really treasure the time when we 1st noe each other, the moments when we spent hrs chatting over the phones. nowadays we seldom contact as we r both busy. however no matter wat, i noe i wun forget all these fond memories, and nv will i forget abt him. he gave me such a deep and unforgetable moment in life tat is so hard to erase off my memories and heart.

however, i would still like to ask... how many such special someone can i keep in my heart? i tink the ans is more than 1... cos i noe i have another special someone in mind and he can have a place in my heart too cos between he and i r fond memories. however i dun wan tis special someone to be another past tense again.. i wan he to be in my heart and mind.. and still remain as present and future tense. we will always remain as good frens.. always will be..

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