Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Teacher-Pupil relationship till now.. we R frens!

i went to visit my sec sch teacher with jasmin. she is our sec 1 and 2 form teacher, very close to us, we called her Godmother... hee..hee..

she gave birth to a baby girl earlier in Mar, it is 2nd child ohh... so good! saw both her elder son and baby girl today. her son is so so hyperactive and chatty. he can run here and there, tok to us non stop and always wear tat cheeky smile on his face. his name is Jerald... cute little boy who will turn 3 yrs old tis coming Nov. his sister is called Jade (nice name ah!) she is abt 3 mths old and she is very cute... her smile is so sweet and lovely. little baby who is not afraid of strangers cos i carry her and she din cry leh.. hehe... my teacher, Ms Lock looks good too. happy mother with 2 loveable kids and a happy family. she looks as radiant as before in fact, more xing fu than before... haha... & i tink all girls shld ask her for tips as to how to maintain such perfect figure even after being a mother of 2. she nv get out of shape, as slim and pretty as before lor... gosh! how did she do it? best ah! haha...

hmm... i am so glad to see Ms Lock again. such a long time since i last saw her. (it was like last saw her abt 2 yrs ago when her son was abt 1yr old) then when she told me she pregnant again, i was so happy for her as i noe she always wanna have a 2nd baby and is good for her cos is juz nice. a boy and a girl! haha.. perfect ah! last time in sch, she is my teacher. now after leaving sch, we became more like frens... and i am so glad for tat. but to me she is still my teacher & cannot change how i address her (Ms Lock which she shld be Mrs Ng liao ah...). i appreciate her and is grateful to her as if not for her, i wun be able to make it to poly, dun mention now go uni. tat time in sec sch, my maths was atrocious. in sec 3 and 4, even worst. i got F9 in sec 3 for maths leh... so my aunt ask me go for tuition. but at my level, is very exp ah.. at least 300bucks for a mth. when i ask Ms Lock to recommend me cheap cheap tutor, she said she willing to take me. at a super low rate @ 150bucks for every mth of 8 lessons. she is a qualify teacher and i am in sec level. shld be at least 300 to 400 bucks per 8 lessons. but she only charge me 150bucks and sometimes even gave me english materials to buck up my english (she noe my english cannot make it too...). i was really grateful to her and glad tat she wanna helped me. for 2 times a week, 2 hrs per time, i will sit in front of her and do my Maths sums over and over again. it is not tat i dunno how to do. it is juz tat i lack practice and not enough time finish. so she will make sure i practice whole book of ten yrs series. for same kind of sums, i can do for hundred over time... and indeed each time i do, i get more and more familiar and hang of it. when examz draw nearer, she will asked me go for 3 times a week or 1 and half hr per time. and in the end, for my O levels, i got a B3!!! yeahz! though not A1 or A2, i am still very very happy. from a F9, till a B3, at least i nv disappoint myself and her. haha...

towards her, is full of gratitude and appreciation. glad tat we r still keeping in touch and juz like frens now. isn't our relationship marvellous? from teacher and pupil till now frens! haha... from outside she look as someone rather aloof but deep down, she is full of emotions and concern for pple close to her. she cares a lot for our class when we were her form class. even after sec 1 and 2, she still asked alot abt us and make sure we r all good. pple bully us, she will helped us. when we make her angry, she cried cos she cares and yet we betray her. no matter wat, she is a good teacher... definitely!

definitely yrs down the road, i will wanna keep in contact with her. (PS: to Ms Lock though u may not see... Thank u for ur help and teachings all these while. it really helped me alot.)

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