Wednesday, June 15, 2005

shopping & more shopping can really burn a hole in my pocket!

yeahz! guess wat?? i juz received a call tat made my day! my laptop is ready... is okay liao!!! i can go down and collect it tomolo!!! wonderful... i simply love it men! haha... tomolo need give my laptop a thorough check and see how it goes.. hopefully it fully recover! my poor laptop, Mummy miss u ah...

on mon, i met up with my pri sch fren, she is my best buddy from pri sch.. wow.. we actually chat thru the whole day from lunch till dinner... sure got a lot to chat sia like wat we used to do in pri sch times.. we can chat on phone thru the night.. haha, best sia! well, she is always my best listener for any complains, sorrows and happiness..
To her: ah leng ah, thank u very much for being such a supportive fren all these while. rest assured tat u will always be remembered by me no matter where i am. maybe we dun contact tat frequent but i promise, our frenship is guaranteed with stamp with NO expiry date!

tis few weeks did quite a bit of shopping ah... (pocket burn a big hole liao...) nv knew tat GSS can be so attractive. last time i still laughed at pple who shop so much.. now i finally now how it is like.. aiyo.. i tink tis few weeks a bit too much. but all my tings r for my studies leh, so shld be ok ba... hee hee.. no income liao.. so cannot spend and spend...

hmm.. come to tink, wat did i buy huh?
sunday shopping (with san san & pat) - bought a battery charger: for digital camera
monday shopping (with waileng) - bought a pair of long pants: for sleeping or exercising, a pair of shorts: for wearing @ home
tuesday shopping (with jasmin) - bought 3 pair of thick shorts: for cold weather in Aust, 1 pair of shock from converse: for my shoe tat is "bitting" me, a pouch: to keep my stuff and a present for my bro's belated bday ah...
wednesday - NO shopping lah.. muz stop!

on my shopping list still got more items...
1) stationery - muz go stock up liao.. Popular, here i come!
2) toiletries - NTUC, here i come!
3) a sling bag - not a MUZ but kinda wanna a new one when my old one spoil.. shall set budget less than 25bucks..

guess shld be all ba.. more shopping means no $$$ ah... so muz STOP!

24 more days to the BIG day!

1 comment:

~blurred~ said...

hey weishan! wa i'm super touched leh.ya v comfy tokin to u.i'm so surprised we can tok so long too.n u're so open to share w me ur stuff.ya pple always look up to u for being e tuff sensible da-jie, it's gd to switch roles sometimes else too stressed!n it's my pleasure to listen.haha so u muz treat me well when i go au k!