Tuesday, June 28, 2005

now i have more fear than happiness in flying off....

today i was doing the packing of my clothes. gosh! is already 10kg.. but i haven't finish packing ah... now total weight of my luggages is 37kg... cannot ah... still too heavy. muz at least try keep it within 35kg. (i only have 30kg allowances lor...) haiz... y airline give so little baggage allowances? can't they give slightly more... i will try to call them tomorrow. i hope they can allow more ah... 1 or 2 kg more i oso happy...

i am so careful in packing my clothes ah... i took out so many them but now i got to put back so many them oso. haiz.. is really giving me the headache and problem ah... how to pack my tings when there r so many of them and i am like only given so little luggage allowances. problem problem, stress stress...

not only tat, i still need go find out abt the shipping cost. i tink really got to ship the items over. cos i can't bring all with me (i wish i could! i dun mind carry them as long as the airline allow...) shipping fees is so costly... is more than 100bucks... gosh! haiz... i really stress now ah... start to feel all pressure from all direction and dunno how to handle it. everytime i tell myself, i can, i will and no problem. now i really very stress ah... farewell tis weekend seems so useless... i haven't even settle all these issues, how to farewell leh? haiz...

y am i feeling so negative again? now i can only slowly take a step a time ba... try to solve the problems ba... 1st is how to pack my stuff, then find out shipping fees and then see wat r more impt tings to be ship over. i tink i really have to give up on most items liao.. cos really not possible bring over ah... no choice ba... haiz...

*no mood count down ah... cos i act have fear more than happiness in flying off at tis moment....

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