Thursday, June 16, 2005

my "baby" is finally HOME!!! Welcome!

yeahz!!! finally after 1 mth of waiting, my "baby" is finally by my side.. heehee.. is my laptop ah.. hip! hip! hurray! lucky is fine and well now. not tat the "mother" is spoil ah, is juz tat mayb there is something tat scare my "baby" so it graphic card a bit haywire.. now shld be fine and alright! yeahz! since its internal "mother" no prob, of cos its external "mummy" -- ME is happy and will treat my "baby" better lah..

i juz bought a new "clothing" for my "baby".. yeahz! is a new case for hand carrier. shld be thick enough to protect it. hmm... quite exp leh, 29bucks! aiyo... but nvm lah, can protect then good liao..

hmm... maybe is long time nv carry laptop. today had quite a tough time carrying my laptop going from places to places. find it very heavy leh.. when tis new one is slightly lighter than the old one leh.. carry until now i feel my hand aching and a bit pain.. hmm.. am i too old liao? am i not used to carry it liao? ha.. muz practice more now, if not go Aust sure problematic ah.. haha..

today got somemore things to tok abt.. shall put in another blog.. too many topics in a blog i oso blur ah..

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