Thursday, June 30, 2005

33kg of luggages -> 3 farewell gatherings -> Superstar!

yeahz!!! my slimming program for my luggage works! it is a successful job done.. yeah!!! now total weight for my 2 luggages for checking in is abt 33kg (tat excess 3kg, i will have to really beg and act pity to the counter check in staff liao... haha). & the items for posting adds up to be abt 20kg. still within limits. i juz need separate my tings out and tell my aunt which r those for courier 1st then i will get to see my tings soon.. haha... (PS: pat, even my "baozhen" can go liao but juz tat it will be under courier... haha)

now i feel more relaxed and relieve. look forward to the 3 farewell gatherings on tis coming weekend. sat is with my spice buddies from AMKSS. we going Marina Bay for steamboat. hope they haven't forget abt it hor... then sun is FAMILY day!!! yeahz!!! lunch with my father side's grandma, aunties, uncles and cousins then dinner with my mother's side grandma, aunties, uncles and cousins & my mum is going to cook my fav curry chicken & pig stomach soup (though i had it for twice in tis mth... haha... still can lah... fav ah! very nice leh...)

heehee.. then next week which is my last week in spore is my lazing @ home time... try not step out of the house unless really special reasons like cutting my hair. cos most of my clothes r in the luggage... haha... i need a hair cut badly ah... cos my hair is growing like a bunch of wild grasses... so so messy. i am going to cut it short... maybe until ear/neck level then wait for it slowly grow in Aust (cutting hair there can be quite exp ah...) oso next week is my last chance to watch Superstar... *boo *boo... cannot watch the final in Sep liao... but i will continue morally support the contestants i like!!! (Hong Junyang - the 1 who has the voice like JJ.. He Weijian - he is from NP!! yeahz! boyish looking but with a good voice.. both have the boy-next-door looks, lack of superstar X-factor.. but still i like them.. yeahz! as for the gals, they r all so so good... hard to choose leh.. can i support all? haha...) will pester all my frens for updates every week abt the superstar... haha...

PS: lian, jun, lin & jas ah... very sorry ah... in order for my luggage to lose weight, i had to forgo some items, out of all these items, the Mambo bag u all gave me for my 21st bday had to come out. i wanna bring it so much but is juz too many tings liao. but dun worry, i will use it tis sat (for the 1st time!! haha).

*9 more days to the BIG day

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Quiz for 'Get to know urself better"

found tis quiz from Cruz Ding Zhi Yong(933 DJ)'s blog...

tried out liao & here is my ans...

Get to know yourself better

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education:
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.

The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

... quite true for me cos most of the description really is so real of me ...

*boo... *boo.. last 10 days in Spore... & my luggage slimming prog works!

hurray!!! my luggage manage to go thru the strict and tedious slimming program. now weight of 2 luggages add up to be 37kg! @ least i feel less pressurise liao.. cos most of my tings r in the luggage and tis shld be final weight liao... BUT i will do somemore slimming for them... cos still a little too heavy... need shed away maybe 3 kg to make it 34kg then when i check in, i can act ke lian to ask for tat 4kg allowance from the kind hearted airline counter staff. (pray pray hard hard tat i will meet a good counter staff. *pray pray*... anyway i going to Guan Yin Temple to pray tomorrow. muz tell her my wishes and prayers liao... muz pray for her blessing...). muz act innocent when i check in... hee hee.. i am innocent lah.. so no need act oso can.. :P

then tat courier fees r so so exp. abt S$200plus for courier fees then got Australia custom clearance fees of AU$150 then oso subj to certain amt of taxes & duties fees. wow! est the amt will add up to be abt $500plus for 1 time of sending my things over. tat is alot alot!!! aiyo... but really no choice leh.. cos i still have books, stationery, notes and some personal belongings which i can't bring over myself. (PS: pat pat ah, my "baozhen" is not in my luggage. :( it can't take plane with me cos no space for it liao... gota either leave it @ home or send over). can let me strike lottery for 500bucks then my courier fees r solved! hahaha... i wait and wish lor... but oso dun have lah... i dun buy lottery lor, how to strike? haha...

hmm... guess wat i need now is really $$$ and more $$$. my bank account is so low now... not even enough to bring any amt over. i will be the poorest student to be studying in UQ ah... haha... muz try find part time job when i'm there.

watever @ least i am less stress by tat luggage problem. left some final items to be bought (still need luggage straps, luggage tags...) i feel more relaxed now. juz hope tis good feeling will carry on... heehee... :) got mood to count down liao...

oh ya! i had a strange dream yesterday. i dreamt tat i left the airport for Australia with no one (other than my own family lah...) to send me off. so sad... :( ... like so poor ting ah... i dun like tat feeling leh... @ least let me see 1 or 2 familiar faces of my frens, i oso happy. dun wan feel so lonely and fly off like tis... gan jue zhen bu hao... hope my dream is juz lots of bullshit and wun come true. haha...

*10 days to the BIG day!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

now i have more fear than happiness in flying off....

today i was doing the packing of my clothes. gosh! is already 10kg.. but i haven't finish packing ah... now total weight of my luggages is 37kg... cannot ah... still too heavy. muz at least try keep it within 35kg. (i only have 30kg allowances lor...) haiz... y airline give so little baggage allowances? can't they give slightly more... i will try to call them tomorrow. i hope they can allow more ah... 1 or 2 kg more i oso happy...

i am so careful in packing my clothes ah... i took out so many them but now i got to put back so many them oso. haiz.. is really giving me the headache and problem ah... how to pack my tings when there r so many of them and i am like only given so little luggage allowances. problem problem, stress stress...

not only tat, i still need go find out abt the shipping cost. i tink really got to ship the items over. cos i can't bring all with me (i wish i could! i dun mind carry them as long as the airline allow...) shipping fees is so costly... is more than 100bucks... gosh! haiz... i really stress now ah... start to feel all pressure from all direction and dunno how to handle it. everytime i tell myself, i can, i will and no problem. now i really very stress ah... farewell tis weekend seems so useless... i haven't even settle all these issues, how to farewell leh? haiz...

y am i feeling so negative again? now i can only slowly take a step a time ba... try to solve the problems ba... 1st is how to pack my stuff, then find out shipping fees and then see wat r more impt tings to be ship over. i tink i really have to give up on most items liao.. cos really not possible bring over ah... no choice ba... haiz...

*no mood count down ah... cos i act have fear more than happiness in flying off at tis moment....

Sunday, June 26, 2005

1st hip cup before i leave...

ha.. 1st hip cup i face even before i set off for Brisbane. today i was doing my packing with my aunt. we were trying to squeeze as many things into the luggage as possible. when we finally did so... we weighed the luggage... gosh! it was almost 40kg (weight of a person or child). i was super shocked ah... which means we need to re pack when we already spend like whole morning @ packing... & meaning i got to take out most of the heavy stuff like books, notes and bottles of shampoo and shower foam. i was like rather upset cos there r so many things to bring over... my 30kg luggage allowances will not be enough... really headache ah... i haven't pack my clothings yet... now most of my items need to be send over either by sea or air (very exp ah... haiz).

all the worrying and nervous feeling start to fill up my mind & i juz can't help worry abt tis and tat as in wat shall i do when i reach there. i am on my own.. how? wat other tings will i face there? is so depressing to feel in tis way at tis point in time lor.. i am leaving in 2 weeks time... at tis moment, most impt is to try solve every prob tat could arise as yet. such as luggage really too heavy then got to mail over, then muz find send via who... really no point worry too much. & i have expected such issue to arise oso ah... who say go overseas study is an easy task and without worries leh? i noe the path ahead is tough and full of challenges. i muz be firm and strong. no matter how bad tings r, i muz learn to overcome it and endure thru it. since i am alone, all the more i muz be calm and try to solve prob on my own. i cannot let tings goes its way and get defeated so easily... wo ke yi de! wo xing de!

1st ting now is start to pack my clothings oh... haha... next 2 weeks no need go out ah... cos no clothes to wear liao.. haha... typical me ah.. when prob arise, i start to worry and worry 1st... then when i let out my feelings (by crying, by writing, by tinking...) haha... then i am fine and can tink clearly liao ohh... when i am there, i will be like tis, rite? yeahz!

okok... shall sleep early and wake up earlier tomolo to do packing ohh... haha...

*14 days to the BIG day!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Initial D -- yeahz!

i watched Initial D today with pat and jace. wow! is quite a great show considering it was rather funny thru'out. we were laughing thru'out ah... haha... & the driving stunts r simply great sia! the effect r very well done and is so cool when the car juz drive thru so so smoothly thru curves after curves... storyline was okay (not really great) but effect was rather cool. the way it was filmed simply bring car racing to life! background music was a good combination too... create tat atmosphere of racing and nervousness esp towards crucial moments.

i enjoyed the show quite a lot. haha.. other than enjoying the racing effects, i can admire my "husband" ah... yeahz! Edison is simply so cool and handsome in the show. he mature so much from the past shows... love him even more ah! haha... & i really like his character in the show... (although Jay's character is the leading actor). Edison's character is Ryousuke Takahashi. He is a car racer. his skills was great but on top of tat i simply love the fact tat he noe how to modify car! i really admire those pple who can modify car. not only can drive, oso can modify car. isn't tat perfect? yep! ryousuke is tat perfect character & acted by Edison, even add more points ah... haha.. i am bias, i noe ah... well, Jay's character was cool too. when he drive is like no need strength. so easy and relax... wow! good too.. overall jay's acting not considered as acting lah... he is like presenting him in the show ba... cos tat character is so Jay Chou alike. haha...

overall, tis show din went below my expectation. make me have an urge to go read the comics liao... haha... out of 10 points, i will give tis show 7 points ba! haha...

Movies i watched...

haha... juz went to watch Batman Begins. aiyo... is such a long long show... abt 2hrs plus leh... & the starting was so so long winded and boring tat i almost fell asleep. i tot i am the only 1 who feels tat way... heehee... but thank god... pat and jace oso felt it which means is really quite boring at the starting. however as it goes on, it gets more and more exciting... quite interesting in fact. the effects, the gadgets and that stylo car of Batman... wow!!! at least i dun feel sleepy towards to end so not tat bad lah... & Batman oso quite good looking but too short... haha...

nv tot of watching Batman actually cos i feel tat Batman is rather redundant. he dun seems have any power like Superman or Ultraman. but his gadgets r super cool. his "wings" & tat car of his seems unbreakable. best sia! & i muz thanks eugene for the free movie ticket ah.. if not i oso no chance to watch Batman... haha... funny tat happen juz now oso when we were buying drinks. pat bought the drink and when eugene asked who is sharing the drink, she replied 3 persons. oops! she forget to include eugene lor... haha... & eugene kua kua jiao and went buy another drink on his own... haha... is not pat forget lah, is she count wrongly... aiyo...

last weekend i went to watch Mr and Mrs Smith with Jayne (my bro's gf). hmm... was quite a nice show considering it is funny & can see the good figure of Brad Pitt! haha... but it was rather ridiculous cos how come they dunno each other's real identity when they r married for 5 yrs... gosh! and their weapons like guns and bombs r all kept at home & they nv notice it at all. overall i quite enjoy the show (other than the Brad Pitt's marvellous body shape.. haha...). quite funny from start to end and during the sad sad part, i oso nv really wanna cry cos is too funny liao... moreover tis is a free movie oso. bro got 2 movie ticket vouchers so juz nice for us... hehe...

wow! watch so many movies at 1 go, but all free ah... haha!!!

wat i am watching later is the best ah! a movie i had been longing for... yeahz! is Initial D. inside got my "husband" and "BF" lor... haha... really look forward! yeahz!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

"i miss u very very much... my dear dear fren... "

looking @ my title... yeahz! today's blog is regarding frienship.. haiz... in life, we have so many problems to bother abt. from family, studies, work, relationship, friendship... list go on and on... but out of all these, friendship seems the most troublesome one.. cos u can so many different kind of pple and diff pple require diff ways to handle. & one cannot live without frens (at least to me it is very TRUE... i will die without frens). frens r juz like ur family when u r outside however frens will not be as tolerant as ur family as to u can be demanding and spoilbrat. in order to maintain a good frenship with frens, one muz noe wat is give and take. give in the effort and time to maintain it and take watever is offered to u. not only relationship need time to maintain, frenship needs maintain too. & i feel tat it require even more effort and time spent. however 1 thing for sure is tat good frens r forever, esp those u noe for a long time since young.. they r the ones u grew up with, been thru with. they may not understand u totally but they r definitely the ones u can turn to when u need help. even for those who dun contact so frequent, once u r frens, u r bound to be together for life. no such ting as we go into diff lifestyle, frenship will stop... haiz... how i wish i can pass to msg to 1 of my dear fren from sec sch. i really really wanna tell her tat i miss her very much & tat it had been a long time since i last saw her.

i wun mention name as i dunno who is reading tis. but if she ever see tis (cos i forget if she has my blog), i hope she understand my point. we had been classmates for 4 yrs and thru'out the 4 yrs in sch, we had been good frens. esp when we r in sec 3 and 4, we r very good frens. she is juz like a younger sister. she has a stubborn character and at tat time, her temper can juz flare up easily. but still she is a very caring and helpful girl who will lend a helping hand when needed. becos of her stubborness, there was once, we had to stay in sch till midnite juz for a sch event. it was the millenium carnival and we r supposed to sell as many entrance tickets to as many pple as possible to raise funds. our class was so eager to win the top seller prize and she is so so determine to win, me, her & few other frens went from block to block of flats around sch everyday after sch to sell the tickets. it was a tiring job but we had a great time. cos we r working together as a team supporting one another and it was a moment tat i wun forget for life. at tat time, in her, i saw wat is determination. i was rather pleased tat she was my fren cos i felt very proud of her.

of cos along our 8 yrs of frenship, alot of other tings happen. if i wanna list all down, i tink i will take up 3 or 4 or more entries ah.. ahha... watever happened, i am juz glad me and her r part of all of them and tat she was by my side all these while. when we graduated, we went to diff poly. it was when we r slowly drifted apart due to our busy schedules. however, no matter how busy i am, i will still make it a point to msg her and ask abt her. initially things were still ok as in she still keep in contact with me. then slowly when we go to yr 2 and yr 3, we sort of lost contact. i dunno wat happen as she din wan to tell me. she nv reply to my msg and really seems to disappear. i was so upset as i treasure her as my good fren and i dun wan to lose her juz like tis. 8 yrs of frenship, i am juz not willing to let go. so i carried on to msg her as and well and juz leave her any msg whenever i can. thru sms, friendster, emails and even letters. watever ways i can find, i juz do it. i din call her as i noe if she meant to avoid me, then call oso no use. i noe something happen to her family and is giving her lots of stress. she din wan to tell me. i noe i can't helped much but i juz wish be a listener for her whenever she needs it. i juz wanna play a part as a fren to give her concern but did she allow me tat chance? haiz... sad to say... NO... :(

when we graduated from poly, i tot tings seems a bit better. at least, she response to my msg. she gave me some updates on her life but all these din last long. cos recently everyting seems to go back to square point. haiz.. honestly speaking, i am quite tired of tis kind of frenship. it seems to be a 1 way traffic. when i tink of it, tears juz roll down my cheeks. i am so disappointed and upset. i invited her for my 21st bday but she nv turn up and i am really very disappointed cos she promise me to come and yet nv. but nvm, cos i noe we can still have other chance to meet. so all these while i will constantly msg her to ask her out. & everytime i will receive disappointing ans. i nv tot of giving up cos i really wanna hold on to tis frenship and i dun mind spending time to maintain it even though is juz 1 way. i wan to hold on cos i hope my sincerity may touch her 1 day. i understand y she avoided me and other frens. she felt tat we had been drifted apart and scared when we go out, we got no common topics as diff lifestyles. but i really wanna tell her tat her tinking is wrong. yes, is true tat we r leading diff lifestyle and tinking differ but tat does not means we have to forsaken each other. frens r for life, once a fren, u r forever frens. doesn't mean when lifestyle change, ur old frens will be left aside. NO such tings!

& the funny ting is tat i had to go into her blog to find out more abt her life as to wat she is doing now and how is she. is she fine and is everyting ok... i have to find thru the blog when we r frens.. frens for 8 yrs... i really find it so silly... tat time during her 21st bday, i wanna meet her as i bought a present for her but same ting again, i din manage to meet her lah. now tat i am leaving for Australia for studies, i juz wanna see her for the last time. i msg her for the past few weeks, again i received negative ans. i understand she is busy @ work and tat is very hard to meet. so i began to give up the idea to meet her. BUT today when i saw her blog, i was rather disappointed. i start to have the feeling tat all her ans as to busy @ work r excuses. it is not tat i am being mean but is juz tat i dun understand y she can go out with her frens and not me. she can't even like spare a day or juz a short while for me? i am not asking anything more, i juz really hope to see her before i leave for aust and see tat she is ok. am i asking too much? i am really tired... so much so tat i feel like giving up liao... it is even more tedious than liking a guy cos tis 1 way traffic is so torturing. BUT i won't give up no matter how many hip cups i face. even if i still dun get to see her before i go, i wun give up in msging her to ask abt her. simple reason is becos she is my FRIEND. concering abt her is wat i shld do as a friend. nv let go of her is wat i MUZ do. even it is 1 way traffic, i will continue. cos i die die oso muz keep tis fren. maybe she dun wan me as her fren, but she is my good fren FOREVER.

msg for tis fren of mine (u shld noe who u r if u read tis):
friends r forever ting. cannot say let go means let go. even if u can let go easily, i can tell u i can't. i maybe disappointed and upset by ur ans and replies, still i wun let go. u can dun recognise my effort and deny me as ur fren, to me u r NEVER forgotten at all times. not only me, everyone of us here really wish to see u. no matter wat, we R still frens... even if i am in aust, i will keep u in mind. i already run out of words to say abt all these. i juz wish to tell u tat " i miss u very very much, my dear dear fren..."

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

18 more days!!!!

hohoho.... i juz gotten my air ticket yesterday from STA travel... so exciting ah... really looking forward.... heehee...

come to tink, is abt 3 more weeks before i depart ba... like no time liao leh.. i still haven't spend much time with my parents and family. hmmm... *guilty* -- tis sun is family day... hopefully my dad and mum can make it then me and bro can bring them out for dinner. how wonderful! haha... i oso wanna date my grandma, aunties, uncle and cousins out leh... go a simple dinner or cycling... haha... but like no time liao leh... 2 more weekends and i will be gone on the 3rd... how? how? aiyo...

still haven't do much packing yet... hee hee... but the tings i need r bought so not much worries... left with the stationery (need Jas' 20% discount from popular -- shall i wait for her or not? hmmm...) and oso toileteries ah... tat's abt it ba... can bring out all my books and notes to be brought along liao... haha... yeahz! still need go cut my hair (seems like my hair thining worsen... cannot keep too long hair liao...)

okok... got to go for now... cos need wake up early for packing ah...

*18 more days to the BIG day!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Teacher-Pupil relationship till now.. we R frens!

i went to visit my sec sch teacher with jasmin. she is our sec 1 and 2 form teacher, very close to us, we called her Godmother... hee..hee..

she gave birth to a baby girl earlier in Mar, it is 2nd child ohh... so good! saw both her elder son and baby girl today. her son is so so hyperactive and chatty. he can run here and there, tok to us non stop and always wear tat cheeky smile on his face. his name is Jerald... cute little boy who will turn 3 yrs old tis coming Nov. his sister is called Jade (nice name ah!) she is abt 3 mths old and she is very cute... her smile is so sweet and lovely. little baby who is not afraid of strangers cos i carry her and she din cry leh.. hehe... my teacher, Ms Lock looks good too. happy mother with 2 loveable kids and a happy family. she looks as radiant as before in fact, more xing fu than before... haha... & i tink all girls shld ask her for tips as to how to maintain such perfect figure even after being a mother of 2. she nv get out of shape, as slim and pretty as before lor... gosh! how did she do it? best ah! haha...

hmm... i am so glad to see Ms Lock again. such a long time since i last saw her. (it was like last saw her abt 2 yrs ago when her son was abt 1yr old) then when she told me she pregnant again, i was so happy for her as i noe she always wanna have a 2nd baby and is good for her cos is juz nice. a boy and a girl! haha.. perfect ah! last time in sch, she is my teacher. now after leaving sch, we became more like frens... and i am so glad for tat. but to me she is still my teacher & cannot change how i address her (Ms Lock which she shld be Mrs Ng liao ah...). i appreciate her and is grateful to her as if not for her, i wun be able to make it to poly, dun mention now go uni. tat time in sec sch, my maths was atrocious. in sec 3 and 4, even worst. i got F9 in sec 3 for maths leh... so my aunt ask me go for tuition. but at my level, is very exp ah.. at least 300bucks for a mth. when i ask Ms Lock to recommend me cheap cheap tutor, she said she willing to take me. at a super low rate @ 150bucks for every mth of 8 lessons. she is a qualify teacher and i am in sec level. shld be at least 300 to 400 bucks per 8 lessons. but she only charge me 150bucks and sometimes even gave me english materials to buck up my english (she noe my english cannot make it too...). i was really grateful to her and glad tat she wanna helped me. for 2 times a week, 2 hrs per time, i will sit in front of her and do my Maths sums over and over again. it is not tat i dunno how to do. it is juz tat i lack practice and not enough time finish. so she will make sure i practice whole book of ten yrs series. for same kind of sums, i can do for hundred over time... and indeed each time i do, i get more and more familiar and hang of it. when examz draw nearer, she will asked me go for 3 times a week or 1 and half hr per time. and in the end, for my O levels, i got a B3!!! yeahz! though not A1 or A2, i am still very very happy. from a F9, till a B3, at least i nv disappoint myself and her. haha...

towards her, is full of gratitude and appreciation. glad tat we r still keeping in touch and juz like frens now. isn't our relationship marvellous? from teacher and pupil till now frens! haha... from outside she look as someone rather aloof but deep down, she is full of emotions and concern for pple close to her. she cares a lot for our class when we were her form class. even after sec 1 and 2, she still asked alot abt us and make sure we r all good. pple bully us, she will helped us. when we make her angry, she cried cos she cares and yet we betray her. no matter wat, she is a good teacher... definitely!

definitely yrs down the road, i will wanna keep in contact with her. (PS: to Ms Lock though u may not see... Thank u for ur help and teachings all these while. it really helped me alot.)

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Believe in urself & have faith in watever u do... be true to urself and pple around u, u be happier!

juz had a short gathering with my poly frens and my lecturer from NP. she is our mentor for poly yr 2. we had always been on good terms with her as she is someone who is always concern abt her students and worth our respect!

we took some photos and before we go, she said something that was quite shocking for me. i nv expect tat from her. though i dunno if she said it becos i am her student or is for real. no matter wat, i am still very touched by her words and really wana maintain tat. yeahz!

she said my lecturers from NP find tat though i do not have a perfect outlook, i am never afraid to show myself to pple. always true in wat i do and not inferior in any ways. not like those pple who will hide themselves juz becos they dun look good. i was so SHOCKED to hear tat. cos i nv tot tat the lecturers tot of me in tis way. heehehe.. kinda flattered and happy to hear tat no matter if it is for real, or consoling or watever..

i always believe tat as long as i am sincere and true to pple and watever i do, pple will accept me. no matter how i look, i believe sincerity and truth is more impt. i may not have a perfect outlook but i wanna have a perfect way when come to dealing with pple and tings. i oso believe a smile on my face can bring on more sincerity and warmth. my youngest aunt once told me before tat: a person may not have a good outlook tat make him/her look outstanding. however if he/she has a good and smart mind with true heart, he/she can win pple over. i always aim to be such a person. of cos i would not say outlook is not impt. if i can have a better outlook, of cos i wan lah! (haha.. i am a girl afterall, ai mei lah..) however, if i cannot change it now, i shall juz accept it and juz try to make up for it in watever way i can. i may not be a pretty girl but i will be a true and sincere person.

juz like my aunt. she is a short lady who is not at all outstanding in her outlooks. but she definitely has a good brain, witty lady who tink fast and act fast. i always look upon her as my example. i aim to be like her or even better than her in watever i do esp when i go work in future. i tink tat she is juz so perfect when it come to using brain. she nv fail to try out new stuff and will always go for watever she tink is rite. she will argue her way out (something i still haven't master leh...). whenever i wanna try a new ting, she will be the one who will support me and ask me to go for it as long as i am comfortable. juz like when i say i wanna go for overseas community trip, she sponsor me the $$$ to go for it. when i say i wanna go overseas for studies, she is the only one who supported me. my grandma and father's tinking is tat even there is $$$, my brother will go 1st & me muz wait if any extra $$$ for me. but my aunt din tink tat way. she ask me to juz go for it and she will help me. true enough, slowly my family accept the idea and supported me. all thanks to my aunt, if not for her support initially, i probably gave up. (PS: auntie cindy, u may not see tis.. but still i wanna say "thank u" for helping me all these while and taking care of me since young. i am so grateful to u and i appreciate watever u did for me.)

watever it is, now i juz wanna be a happier person and fulfil my dream to study overseas. my top priority is to bring back good results to show to my family tat my choice is rite and tat i dun wan disappoint anyone who supported me. i believe i can! yeahz! i have the faith and confidence!

*22 more days to the BIG day!

Friday, June 17, 2005

"Why girls tend to be so silly and stubborn when it c0me to someone she like?"

haha... before i start my blog.. muz tell those pple who r reading my blogger, so paiseh ah... my blog is very wordy and no pictures one.. (i already told u all before u all come lor.. heehee..) anyway, i prefer simple and plain lah.. cos tis blog is juz for me to pour out my words.. if i dun write, then no need have tis blog liao.. haha

anyway, today's topic is on "Why girls tend to be so silly and stubborn when it c0me to someone she like?"

yeahz! tis topic is something i had been pondering for very long cos i see so many typical examples around me where girls r so so faithful to the guy they like & get so persistent in liking tat person to an extend tat even tat guy hurt her, upset her or even give cold shoulder to her, she is still willing to give in, willing to wait & wait and nv stopping loving him.

i wouldn't say tis is silly or stupid cos i noe how all these waiting goes and how all these feelings can be so strong, persistent and stubborn as i've been through all these.. is torturing.. & trust me is a hard hard time. bearing all heart pain and upsetting moments juz to hope to sense for tat faraway & short moment of happiness. haiz.. i can tell u tat girls r not silly lor.. they noe wat they r doing. in fact they r very clear tat all these waiting for worth it, tat's y they r willing to bear with it. in some cases, it is happy ending where all these waiting & effort r paid off with everlasting happiness & blessing. in other cases, it is a sad ending. effort is nv appreciated and sometimes even taken for granted. (gosh! y guys can be so idiotic and heartless? sometimes really wanna strangle the guys, they S**KS sia! oops! pardon for such strong word..)

i witness many cases of happy and sad ending lor. hmm.. before i quote them as example, i muz say SORRY to those pple involve in my examples. i wun write down the name in case of sensitve lah.. but if it happen to make u tink of unhappy tings.. sorry sorry..

example of happy ending: i have a good fren from sec sch. ever since sec sch, she like tis guy who happen to be our classmate too. for so many yrs, she like him but NEVER mention to pple (apart from her sisters ba..) i really pei fu her ah.. mouth so tight & i can imagine the hard hard time she had went thru. imagine got to like a guy secretly & cannot show it out & got to act as if nutting happen. gosh! tat's like so torturing! BUT she actually bear with it and live with for so many yrs.. come to tink, shld be abt 6 yrs ah.. wow! isn't she great? wat so good abt tat guy leh? i oso wonder ah.. no matter wat, her effort paid off lor.. cos now she is happy girl in a happy relationship with a bf who dote on her. yeahz! the bf is the guy she like all these while. isn't tis a perfect ending?

however not all pple r as lucky as her lah.. juz like 2 of my good frens. they share the same fate with the guys they like respectively. they r holding on endlessly, waiting without regrets and giving in willingly to the guys they like. pple say tat they r silly & shld juz give up and forget abt such heartless guys. the guys r juz not worth their effort. but i noe they wun give up. reason being the feeling for tat guy is so so strong & deep.. reason being the girls juz cannot give up liking him. these girls r not silly. they r juz going after wat they believe in & juz not willing to give up so easily. actually their spirit is worth for our respect ah.. they r so brave lor.. they r persistent lor.. it is juz tat luck not shining on them.. the guys r taking them for granted and effort not appreciated. if we wanna them to wake up, it takes time..slowly ba..

hmm.. positive and negative examples r happening around. miracles do happen juz tat it takes time. as long as there is hope, there will be miracle BUT sometimes we shld learn to "forget" & "let go". by forgetting (force it!), u will take in new experiences, by letting go (force it!), u will accept new candidates..

girls r devoted animals.. too faithful & chi qing to an extend guys r scared of us.. but guys oso complain when girls r cold to them.. guys, y r u all so ma fan & heartless leh? haiyo..

to all my girl-friends who r waiting endlessly out there: i am in no position to ask u all give up on pple not worth ur effort cos i had been doing alot of waiting & giving in for pple who r not worthy at all. now i juz wanna treat myself kinder & be good to myself. we r all human beings, i would not say we can dun tink. but wat we can do is learn to forget & let go. i am learning too.. i tink it will have positive effect.. as in we can be happier & more relaxed.. easy to say but hard to do.. BUT muz try muz try hor..

Thursday, June 16, 2005

my "baby" is finally HOME!!! Welcome!

yeahz!!! finally after 1 mth of waiting, my "baby" is finally by my side.. heehee.. is my laptop ah.. hip! hip! hurray! lucky is fine and well now. not tat the "mother" is spoil ah, is juz tat mayb there is something tat scare my "baby" so it graphic card a bit haywire.. now shld be fine and alright! yeahz! since its internal "mother" no prob, of cos its external "mummy" -- ME is happy and will treat my "baby" better lah..

i juz bought a new "clothing" for my "baby".. yeahz! is a new case for hand carrier. shld be thick enough to protect it. hmm... quite exp leh, 29bucks! aiyo... but nvm lah, can protect then good liao..

hmm... maybe is long time nv carry laptop. today had quite a tough time carrying my laptop going from places to places. find it very heavy leh.. when tis new one is slightly lighter than the old one leh.. carry until now i feel my hand aching and a bit pain.. hmm.. am i too old liao? am i not used to carry it liao? ha.. muz practice more now, if not go Aust sure problematic ah.. haha..

today got somemore things to tok abt.. shall put in another blog.. too many topics in a blog i oso blur ah..

meaningful QUOTES...

some meaningful quotes i saw in the bulletin board of my friendster.. i find it quite nice and lovely.. shall share some of them which i like best...

" Someone love u not because of who u are, butbecause of who i am when i am with u... " to the world u may be someone, but to someone u maybe the world..."

"Don't Cry Over Someone That Won't Cry OverYou"-----"No Guy Is Worth Your Tears" & BUTWhen You FindThe One That Is----"He Won't Make You Cry"

"Love can make you happy but often times ithurts, but love is only special when you give it to who its worth."

"The hardest part of loving someone is knowingwhen to let go, and knowing when to say goodbye." -- tis is so very very true...

"Forget the times he walked by, Forget the timeshe made you cry, Forget the times he spoke yourname, Remember now your not the same. Forgetthe times he held your hand, Forget the sweet things if you can, Forget the times & Don't pretend, Remember now he's just your friend." -- words r easy to say... but action r hard to carry out lor...

"I hate to see the one I love happy with somebodybut I surely hate it more to see the one love unhappy with me..." -- is not noble but is something i tink everyone will do if he/she really love & care for the person.

"Im going to smile and make you think Im happy,Im going to laugh, so you dont see me cry, Im going to let you go in style, and even if it kills me, Im going to smile."

they really make sense and reflect so well on pple when dealing with relationship. i come across frens who r in such situation as the quotes mention above.. even myself, sometimes oso set in such prob.. but i am trying very best to "let go" & "forget" so tat my life can be happier and more OPEN..

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

shopping & more shopping can really burn a hole in my pocket!

yeahz! guess wat?? i juz received a call tat made my day! my laptop is ready... is okay liao!!! i can go down and collect it tomolo!!! wonderful... i simply love it men! haha... tomolo need give my laptop a thorough check and see how it goes.. hopefully it fully recover! my poor laptop, Mummy miss u ah...

on mon, i met up with my pri sch fren, she is my best buddy from pri sch.. wow.. we actually chat thru the whole day from lunch till dinner... sure got a lot to chat sia like wat we used to do in pri sch times.. we can chat on phone thru the night.. haha, best sia! well, she is always my best listener for any complains, sorrows and happiness..
To her: ah leng ah, thank u very much for being such a supportive fren all these while. rest assured tat u will always be remembered by me no matter where i am. maybe we dun contact tat frequent but i promise, our frenship is guaranteed with stamp with NO expiry date!

tis few weeks did quite a bit of shopping ah... (pocket burn a big hole liao...) nv knew tat GSS can be so attractive. last time i still laughed at pple who shop so much.. now i finally now how it is like.. aiyo.. i tink tis few weeks a bit too much. but all my tings r for my studies leh, so shld be ok ba... hee hee.. no income liao.. so cannot spend and spend...

hmm.. come to tink, wat did i buy huh?
sunday shopping (with san san & pat) - bought a battery charger: for digital camera
monday shopping (with waileng) - bought a pair of long pants: for sleeping or exercising, a pair of shorts: for wearing @ home
tuesday shopping (with jasmin) - bought 3 pair of thick shorts: for cold weather in Aust, 1 pair of shock from converse: for my shoe tat is "bitting" me, a pouch: to keep my stuff and a present for my bro's belated bday ah...
wednesday - NO shopping lah.. muz stop!

on my shopping list still got more items...
1) stationery - muz go stock up liao.. Popular, here i come!
2) toiletries - NTUC, here i come!
3) a sling bag - not a MUZ but kinda wanna a new one when my old one spoil.. shall set budget less than 25bucks..

guess shld be all ba.. more shopping means no $$$ ah... so muz STOP!

24 more days to the BIG day!

Friday, June 10, 2005

my poor laptop... :(

it had been almost 3 weeks since i sent my laptop in for repair. they told me to wait for abt 1 to 2 weeks for it to be ready. so i was like an idiot waiting for them to call me. however when i called them up today... i was SUPER pissed off! they told me there is not stock for the Motherboard and so i have to wait till end of the month. tis is so ridculous! how i can wait till then? i am suppose to bring my laptop along when i go to UQ. how to wait?

wat make me more angry is tat they din even called up to tell me tat i have to wait for another 2 more weeks, instead make me wait and wait.... so irresponsible.. even if they can't give it to me, shouldn't they juz inform me abt the delay. i am really very pissed off by such service. i am not being difficult here but i have my difficulties too. i really cannot wait till end of the mth. i need my laptop urgently and all my documents r in it.

they say they will check again.. i told them i expect a call from them next week at least to tell me the outcome. if they dun call, i will call. & i can tell how nasty i can get liao.. i am already very fustrated when my laptop is spoil only like 2 mths after buying, now all tis delays.. if they canot change my motherboard, i would wan a NEW laptop!!! i juz wanna my laptop back by latest next fri!

so angry now!!! QI SI WO LE!!!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

I am flying off to Brisbane...

Flight Details for my departure to Brisbane in July.

Departure Date: 09 july 2005, Saturday

Departure Time: 9.20pm (need check in 2 hrs before)

Flight Number: QF52 @ Terminal ONE

1 month more to tis special date ohhh... very excited and happy... count down count down...

30 days to the BIG day!!!

how many pple can we keep in our heart?

how many pple can we keep in our heart?

hmm... i am not referring to family and frens. as in our heart, there will always be spaces for our beloved family and fellow good frens. i am referring to those special someones who happens to be able to "sneak" into ur heart.

i have a special someone who have a rather permanent place in my heart. he is someone i noe for quite a few yrs. when i 1st noe him, he gave me a rather good impression. till now it is still so fresh in my head. i have tat kind of special feeling towards him. we became good frens and i really treasure tis frenship. though we r nv together, we maintain as good frens, frens who can tok abt everyting and anyting under the sun. i really treasure the time when we 1st noe each other, the moments when we spent hrs chatting over the phones. nowadays we seldom contact as we r both busy. however no matter wat, i noe i wun forget all these fond memories, and nv will i forget abt him. he gave me such a deep and unforgetable moment in life tat is so hard to erase off my memories and heart.

however, i would still like to ask... how many such special someone can i keep in my heart? i tink the ans is more than 1... cos i noe i have another special someone in mind and he can have a place in my heart too cos between he and i r fond memories. however i dun wan tis special someone to be another past tense again.. i wan he to be in my heart and mind.. and still remain as present and future tense. we will always remain as good frens.. always will be..

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

theory of "NO expectation"

yeahz! to reply to hui's comment for my previous post, i wanna share an experience. i understand wat she means. No expectation often has a pleasant results. it is true & tat is why whenever i do something new or encounter something different, i will tell myself to face it with no expectation. in tis way, watever happen along the way, be it good or bad, i can face it.

the 1st time i learnt abt tis theory of no expectation is during a camp when i was in poly yr 2. i went for an incubation camp in Malacca with my poly frens. before we set off, my fren who is the president of the club told us to relax and have fun during the camp as he feels that we will all benefit from the experience and teaching from the camp. he told us to go with no expectation and an open heart. when i heard tat, i was so anxious to go as i really wanna experience wat are the surprises awaiting ahead.

bearing tat feeling in mind, we went for camp. it was really enriching and meaningful. i really learnt alot. be it in dealing with people, handling different situation. more imptly is tat the theory of no expectation really works cos all the things tat happen along the way really give me all kind of pleasant surprises. with no expectation when i went, i bought home a "bag" of fulfilment with no disappointment.

when i enter my 1st company to work, i use tat theory too. however at times tings can still happen when i am still young. easily affected by frens around me. however at least with tat theory, i am "harmed" to the least amount.

now tat i am going to UQ for uni studies, i will use tis theory too. cos i tink is really useful and end up fulfilling. i have no lost and end up gaining more. so y not?

Saturday, June 04, 2005

sunshine smile & laughter from the heart...

hmm... nutting to do so juz went thru the testimonial pple wrote for my friendster. well, all these testimonial r so ke qi.. haha.. anyway, got so many of them say abt me always having tat wide smile on my face whenever they see me.. hmm.. i tink is like disappearing leh..

ever since i go into poly yr 3, smile had been disappearing from my face and when i graduate, i feel tat i am no longer as blubbly and cheerful as in the past.. smiles r lacking on my face... am i too tired to smile or juz lazy to even bother to show my smile? in the past i tot i am juz too tired.. but now it seems getting worse. pple may not feel it but i really tink i smile less nowadays. my laughter is oso not lasting.. in the past, when i laugh i can feel it deep down inside my heart and being affected by it for quite a while. but nowadays smiles and laughters r so short life span tat i really start to tink y am i feeling so indifferent nowadays?

izzit juz like wat pple say? as 1 grow up, with more and more burdens on ur shoulder, u feel more stress and unable to be as cheerful as the past? i do admit tat alot of tings happen for the past few mths.. poly graduation, 1st time stepping into society to work, stress abt handling overseas uni stuff and ever haunting issue - love relationship & even friendship is giving prob. maybe tat explains y smiles and laughters r less and less.. not only tat, i can get more and more quiet when i used to be so so chatty among all my frens..

i wan to smile more and really laugh from my heart. can i? hmm.. is up to me whether i wanna do it ornot.. if i tink less and dun get so bothered by watever happen, i tink all these smiles and laughters will resume very soon.. i am learning the art of "let go" & "forget". i am sure i can do it.

sunshine laughter and smilely face; blubbly & cheerful; chatty & noisy.. is wat i hope my new frens in UQ will noe me as. my greatest wish is to bring happiness to pple around me.. if i have a gloomy face, how to leh? heehee..