Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Birthday to our Halloween Baby

Happy Halloween!!! woooo.... oso Happy Birthday to the Halloween Baby of the family, my beloved niece, Lynnette Yap!!! cutie Lynnette is 2 years old already. how time flies... i miss out on her 1 year old bday celebration last year. finally this year i can be here in Spore to celebrate her bday. yeahz~!!! with this special day, here is a blog entry with some of the photos i took for Lynnette over the last 3 months:

the little chatty, active and cute angel of the family...

Lynn trying to peel the skin of the pomelo with her plastic toy knife... whahaha...

Lynn loves to climb the ladder to reach the upper level cabinet in order to say "hi" to my stuff toys...

trying to make monkey face... :p

trying to show a kungfu stunt or aligator pose?!?!

Lynn's favourite obstacle course in the house.. she will always try to complete the whole course by herself and so far, we do not have to offer any help to get her through the whole course...

Lynn and her new found friends - Dino, the pink dinosaur, Fin Fin, the grey dolphin & Nemo, the fish...

little butterfly flying around...

wooo... there is even a fairy wand... *ding! ding! ding! i wanna many many toys!*

lastly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, cutie Lynnette~!!! we will have great fun for ur bday celebration tomolo! woohoo~!!!

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